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Attentional Bias to Beauty with Evolutionary Benefits: Evidence from Aesthetic Appraisal of Landscape Architecture




Substantial evidence suggests that beauty is associated with the survival and reproduction of organisms. Landscape architecture is composed of a series of natural elements that have significant evolutionary implications. The present study used one pilot material ratings and three experiments to examine the mechanisms of aesthetic appraisals of landscape architecture. The results confirmed that landscape architecture elicited a sense of beauty and captured visual attention more easily than other types of architecture during explicit aesthetic rating task (Experiment 1) and implicit aesthetic perception task (dot-probe paradigm, Experiment 2). Furthermore, the spatial cueing paradigm revealed that response latencies were significantly faster for landscape architecture than non-landscape architecture on valid trials, but there was no significant difference in this contrast on invalid trials at 150-ms stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA, Experiment 3a). At 500-ms SOA (Experiment 3b), participants responded significantly faster for landscape architecture on valid trials, but reacted significantly slower for landscape architecture on invalid trials. The findings indicated that the beauty of landscape architecture can be perceived implicitly, and only faster orienting of attention, but not delayed disengagement of attention was generated at early stages of the processing of landscape architecture. However, the attentional bias at later stages of attentional processes may be resulted from both faster orienting of attention and delayed disengagement of attention from landscape architecture photographs.
机译:大量证据表明,美与生物的生存和繁殖有关。景观建筑由一系列具有重要进化意义的自然元素组成。本研究使用了一个试验材料评级和三个实验来检验景观建筑美学评估的机制。结果证实,在显式美学评级任务(实验1)和隐式美学感知任务(点探针范式,实验2)期间,景观建筑比其他类型的建筑更容易引起美感并吸引视觉注意力。此外,空间提示范式显示,在有效试验中,景观建筑的响应延迟比非景观建筑显着更快,但在150毫秒刺激发作异步时无效试验的对比中没有显着差异(SOA,实验3a) 。 SOA为500毫秒(实验3b)时,参与者在有效试验中对景观设计的响应速度显着加快,但在无效试验中对景观设计的响应速度明显较慢。研究结果表明,景观设计的美丽可以被隐含地感知,并且在景观设计的早期阶段,注意力的定向速度更快,而注意力的分离却没有延迟。但是,注意力过程后期的注意力偏差可能是由于注意力的快速定位和景观设计照片中注意力的延迟脱离所致。



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