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Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Checklist: A Developmentally Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved Youth




The inclusion of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) in the DSM-5 appendix signifies a call for research regarding the distinguishing features and clinical utility of proposed PCBD criteria. Rigorously constructed tools for assessing PCBD are lacking, especially for youth. This study evaluated the validity and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist, a 39-item measure designed to assess PCBD criteria in youth aged 8 to18 years. Test construction procedures involved: (a) reviewing the literature regarding developmental manifestations of proposed criteria; (b) creating a developmentally informed item pool; (c) surveying an expert panel to evaluate the clarity and developmental appropriateness of candidate items; (d) conducting focus groups to evaluate the comprehensibility and acceptability of items; and (e) evaluating psychometric properties in 367 bereaved youth (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% female). The panel, clinicians, and youth provided favorable content validity and comprehensibility ratings for candidate items. As hypothesized, youth who met full PCBD criteria, Criterion B (e.g., preoccupation with the deceased and/or circumstances of the death) or Criterion C (e.g., reactive distress and/or social/identity disruption) reported higher posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms than youth who did not meet this criteria, ηp2 = .07–.16. Youth who met Criterion C reported greater functional impairment than youth who did not, ηp2 = .08–.12. Youth who qualified for the “traumatic bereavement specifier” reported more frequent posttraumatic stress symptoms than youth who did not qualify, ηp2 = .04. Findings support the convergent, discriminant, and discriminant-groups validity, developmental appropriateness and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist.
机译:DSM-5附录中包含了永久性复杂丧亲失调症(PCBD),这表明人们呼吁就拟议PCBD标准的区别特征和临床实用性进行研究。缺乏严格评估PCBD的工具,特别是对于年轻人。这项研究评估了PCBD清单的有效性和临床实用性,该清单是一项39项措施,旨在评估8至18岁青少年的PCBD标准。涉及的测试构建程序:(a)审查有关拟议标准的发展表现的文献; (b)建立一个以发展为依据的项目库; (c)调查一个专家小组以评估候选项目的清晰度和发展适宜性; (d)举行焦点小组评估项目的可理解性和可接受性; (e)评价367名丧亲青年的心理测量特性(法师= 13.49,女性55.0%)。专家组,临床医生和青年为候选项目提供了令人满意的内容有效性和可理解性等级。如假设,符合完全PCBD标准,标准B(例如,对死者和/或死亡情况的关注)或标准C(例如,反应性困扰和/或社会/身份破坏)的年轻人报告了较高的创伤后压力和抑郁症状比不符合此标准的年轻人,ηp 2 = .07–.16。达到标准C的年轻人报告的功能障碍比未达到标准C的年轻人更大,ηp 2 = .08–.12。有资格成为“创伤性丧亲者”的年轻人报告的创伤后应激症状比没有资格的青年更为频繁,ηp 2 = .04。研究结果支持PCBD检查表的收敛性,区分性和区分性组的有效性,发展适当性和临床实用性。



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