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Case Report: Polyarteritis nodosa or complicated Henoch-Schonlein purpura (IgAV) a rare case




>Background: Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis that affects medium-sized arteries. PAN is a rare disease and requires a high clinical suspicion for diagnosis. PAN and HSP (newly named Immunoglobulin A-associated vasculitis) have narrowing differential diagnosis. Here, we reported a case of PAN. >Case presentation: Our patient was a 65-year-old woman that came to hospital due to abdominal pain and skin lesion on the right upper and right lower extremities. All rheumatologic tests were negative. A biopsy of the skin lesion was reported as mild hyperkeratosis, slight spongiosis with intact basal layer. The dermis showed moderate to severe perivascular PMN infiltration with vessel wall degeneration and extravasation of RBCs. A colonoscopy reported diffuse mucosal erythema and erosions were seen in the rectum until 6cm of anal verge. An electromyogram test and nerve conduction velocity study of the upper extremities reported bilateral mild carpal tunnel syndrome, and in the right lower extremities mononeuritis multiplex could not be ruled out. Abdominopelvic CT scan reported diffuse wall thickening of terminal ileum associated with mesenteric fat and narrow enhancement of inferior Mesenteric artery with patchy filling defect. After evaluation, the patient received corticosteroid pulses plus cyclophosphamide. >Conclusion: Diagnosis and treatment of PAN are important and PAN should be considered in a patient with skin lesions and neurological impairment.
机译:>背景:结节性多动脉炎(PAN)是一种会影响中型动脉的血管炎。 PAN是一种罕见的疾病,需要高度的临床怀疑才能进行诊断。 PAN和HSP(新命名为免疫球蛋白A相关血管炎)的鉴别诊断范围越来越窄。在这里,我们报告了一例PAN。 >病例介绍:我们的患者是一名65岁的女性,由于腹部疼痛和右上,右下肢的皮肤病变而入院。所有风湿病学检查均为阴性。皮肤病变的活检报告为轻度角化过度,轻度海绵样变,基底层完整。真皮显示中度至重度血管周围PMN浸润,血管壁变性和红细胞外渗。结肠镜检查报告弥漫性粘膜红斑和直肠糜烂,直到肛门接近6cm。上肢的肌电图检查和神经传导速度研究报告了双侧轻度腕管综合症,在右下肢不能排除多发性单神经炎。腹部骨盆CT扫描报告,与肠系膜脂肪相关的末端回肠弥漫性壁增厚,肠系膜下动脉狭窄增强,并有片状充盈缺损。经过评估,患者接受了皮质类固醇脉冲加环磷酰胺治疗。 >结论:PAN的诊断和治疗很重要,对于有皮肤病变和神经功能障碍的患者应考虑PAN。



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