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A generic approach for the development of short-term predictions of Escherichia coli and biotoxins in shellfish




Microbiological contamination or elevated marine biotoxin concentrations within shellfish can result in temporary closure of shellfish aquaculture harvesting, leading to financial loss for the aquaculture business and a potential reduction in consumer confidence in shellfish products. We present a method for predicting short-term variations in shellfish concentrations of Escherichia coli and biotoxin (okadaic acid and its derivates dinophysistoxins and pectenotoxins). The approach was evaluated for 2 contrasting shellfish harvesting areas. Through a meta-data analysis and using environmental data (in situ, satellite observations and meteorological nowcasts and forecasts), key environmental drivers were identified and used to develop models to predict E. coli and biotoxin concentrations within shellfish. Models were trained and evaluated using independent datasets, and the best models were identified based on the model exhibiting the lowest root mean square error. The best biotoxin model was able to provide 1 wk forecasts with an accuracy of 86%, a 0% false positive rate and a 0% false discovery rate (n = 78 observations) when used to predict the closure of shellfish beds due to biotoxin. The best E. coli models were used to predict the European hygiene classification of the shellfish beds to an accuracy of 99% (n = 107 observations) and 98% (n = 63 observations) for a bay (St Austell Bay) and an estuary (Turnaware Bar), respectively. This generic approach enables high accuracy short-term farm-specific forecasts, based on readily accessible environmental data and observations.
机译:贝类中的微生物污染或海洋生物毒素浓度升高可能会导致贝类水产养殖业的捕捞暂时关闭,从而导致水产养殖业的经济损失,并可能降低消费者对贝类产品的信心。我们提出了一种方法,用于预测大肠杆菌和生物毒素(冈田酸及其衍生的恐龙物理毒素和果胶毒素)的贝类浓度短期变化。对2个对比性贝类收获区进行了评估。通过元数据分析和使用环境数据(就地,卫星观测以及气象临近预报和预报),确定了关键的环境动因,并将其用于开发模型来预测贝类中的大肠杆菌和生物毒素浓度。使用独立的数据集对模型进行训练和评估,并根据展现出最低均方根误差的模型确定最佳模型。当用于预测由于生物毒素导致的贝类床关闭时,最佳的生物毒素模型能够提供1周预测,准确度为86%,假阳性率为0%,假发现率为0%(n = 78个观察值)。最佳的大肠杆菌模型用于预测贝类(河口)和河口的贝类床的欧洲卫生分类,其准确度分别为99%(n = 107个观测值)和98%(n = 63个观测值) (Turnaware酒吧)。这种通用方法可以根据易于获取的环境数据和观测值,对农场特定的地方进行短期的高精度预测。



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