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A Multimodal Investigation of Contextual Effects on Alcohol’s Emotional Rewards




Regular alcohol consumption in unfamiliar social settings has been linked to problematic drinking. A large body of indirect evidence has accumulated to suggest that alcohol’s rewarding emotional effects—both negative-mood relieving and positive-mood enhancing—will be magnified when alcohol is consumed within unfamiliar vs. familiar social contexts. But empirical research has never directly examined links between contextual familiarity and alcohol reward. In the current study, we mobilized novel ambulatory technology to examine the effect of social familiarity on alcohol reward in everyday drinking contexts while also examining how alcohol reward observed in these field contexts corresponds to reward observed in the laboratory. Heavy social drinking participants (N=48, 50% male) engaged in an intensive week of ambulatory assessment. Participants wore transdermal alcohol sensors while they reported on their mood and took photographs of their social contexts in response to random prompts. Participants also attended two laboratory beverage-administration sessions, during which their emotional responses were assessed and transdermal sensors were calibrated to estimate BrAC (eBrAC). Results indicated a significant interaction between social familiarity and alcohol episode in everyday drinking settings, with alcohol enhancing mood to a greater extent in relatively unfamiliar vs. familiar social contexts. Findings also indicated that drinking in relatively unfamiliar social settings was associated with higher eBrAC’s. Finally, results indicated a correspondence between some mood effects of alcohol experienced inside and outside the laboratory. This study presents a novel methodology for examining alcohol reward, and indicates social familiarity as a promising direction for research seeking to explain problematic drinking.
机译:在陌生的社会环境中经常饮酒与饮酒问题有关。大量的间接证据表明,在不熟悉和熟悉的社交环境中饮酒会放大酒精有益的情绪效果(消极情绪和增强积极情绪)。但是,实证研究从未直接检查过背景熟悉度和饮酒奖励之间的联系。在当前的研究中,我们动员了新型门诊技术,以研究社交熟悉度对日常饮酒环境中酒精奖励的影响,同时还研究在这些现场环境中观察到的酒精奖励如何与实验室中观察到的奖励相对应。大量社交饮酒者(N = 48,男性50%)参加了为期一周的动态评估。参与者在报告自己的情绪并根据随机提示对自己的社交环境进行拍照时,他们佩戴了透皮酒精传感器。参加者还参加了两次实验室饮料管理会议,评估了他们的情绪反应,并校准了透皮传感器以评估BrAC(eBrAC)。结果表明,在日常饮酒环境中,社交熟悉度与饮酒事件之间存在显着的交互作用,在相对陌生与熟悉的社交环境中,饮酒可以在更大程度上增强情绪。研究结果还表明,在相对陌生的社会环境中饮酒与较高的eBrAC有关。最后,结果表明实验室内部和外部经历的某些酒精情绪影响之间存在对应关系。这项研究提出了一种新的方法来检查酒精饮料的奖励,并指出社交熟悉度是寻求解释有问题的饮酒的研究的有希望的方向。



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