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Multimodal Signal Testing Reveals Gestural Tapping Behavior in Spotted Reed Frogs




In the majority of anuran species, acoustic signals are the dominant mode of inter- and intrasexual communication. Male calls are always accompanied by the movement of a more or less conspicuous vocal sac—a potential visual cue. Reed frogs possess a striking vocal sac with a colorful patch of gland tissue clearly visible once the vocal sac is inflated during acoustic signaling. To investigate the visual signal function of vocal sac and gular gland, we presented male Spotted Reed Frogs (Hyperolius puncticulatus) with unimodal and multimodal signal playbacks of conspecific rivals in their natural habitat and recorded their behavioral responses. We found no difference in receiver response to unimodal advertisement call stimuli and to multimodal stimulus presentations of calls combined with visual signals of an artificial vocal sac with or without a gular patch, moving synchronously or asynchronously with the call playback. The inflations of a vocal sac with a colorful gular patch did not alter receiver response and neither increase nor decrease signal salience during male–male communication. Interestingly, males frequently displayed a novel hind and front foot-tapping behavior in response to all playbacks. Comparison of male responses to advertisement and aggressive call playbacks showed that Spotted Reed Frogs approached the sound source less during aggressive call presentations. Tapping behavior was not influenced by either call playback. We suggest that the gestural tapping behavior might act as vibrational signal and discuss its potential signal function in male contests and courtship for females.
机译:在大多数无氧物种中,声信号是性交和性交的主要方式。男性声音总是伴随着或多或少明显的声囊的运动,这是潜在的视觉提示。芦苇蛙具有引人注目的声囊,一旦在声音信号传递过程中声囊膨胀,便会清晰可见腺体的彩色斑块。为了研究声囊和腺体的视觉信号功能,我们向雄性斑点蛙(Hyperolius puncticulatus)展示了自然栖息地中特定竞争对手的单峰和多峰信号回放,并记录了它们的行为反应。我们发现接收器对单模态广告呼叫刺激和对多模态刺激呼叫响应与人工声囊视觉信号(具有或不具有沟状斑块)的视觉响应,与呼叫回放同步或异步移动的响应没有差异。在男性与男性之间的交流中,带有彩色小口状斑块的声囊的充气不会改变接收者的反应,也不会增加或降低信号的显着性。有趣的是,雄性经常响应所有回放显示出新颖的后足和前脚踏脚行为。男性对广告和激进呼叫回放的反应的比较表明,在激进呼叫演示过程中,斑点芦苇蛙接近声源的方式更少。窃听行为不受任何呼叫回放的影响。我们建议,手势敲击行为可能会充当振动信号,并讨论其在男性比赛和女性求爱中的潜在信号功能。



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