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Paternal portrait of populations of the middle Magdalena River region (Tolima and Huila Colombia): New insights on the peopling of Central America and northernmost South America




The valley of the Magdalena River is one of the main population pathways in Colombia. The gene pool and spatial configuration of human groups in this territory have been outlined throughout three historical stages: the Native pre-Hispanic world, Spanish colonization, and XIX century migrations. This research was designed with the goal of characterizing the diversity and distribution pattern of Y-chromosome lineages that are currently present in the Tolima and Huila departments (middle Magdalena River region). Historic cartography was used to identify the main geographic sites where the paternal lineages belonging to this area have gathered. Twelve municipalities were chosen, and a survey that included genealogical information was administered. Samples collected from 83 male volunteers were analyzed for 48 Y-SNPs and 17 Y-STRs. The results showed a highly diverse region characterized by the presence of 16 sublineages within the major clades R, Q, J, G, T and E and revealed that 93% (n = 77) of haplotypes were different. Among these haplogroups, European-specific R1b-M269 lineages were the most representative (57.83%), with six different subhaplogroups and 43 unique haplotypes. Native American paternal ancestry was also detected based on the presence of the Q1a2-M3*(xM19, M194, M199) and Q1a2-M346*(xM3) lineages. Interestingly, all Q1a2-M346*(xM3) samples (n = 7, with five different haplotypes) carried allele six at the DYS391 locus. This allele has a worldwide frequency of 0.169% and was recently associated with a new Native subhaplogroup. An in-depth phylogenetic analysis of these samples suggests the Tolima and Huila region to be the principal area in all Central and South America where this particular Native lineage is found. This lineage has been present in the region for at least 1,809 (+/- 0,5345) years.
机译:马格达莱纳河谷是哥伦比亚的主要人口通道之一。在整个三个历史阶段中,概述了该领土上人类群体的基因库和空间配置:西班牙裔前世界土著,西班牙殖民和十九世纪的迁徙。设计该研究的目的是表征目前在Tolima和Huila部门(马格达莱纳河中部)的Y染色体谱系的多样性和分布模式。历史制图被用来识别该地区的父系血统聚集的主要地理位置。选择了十二个城市,并进行了包括家谱信息的调查。分析了从83位男性志愿者那里收集的样品中的48个Y-SNP和17个Y-STR。结果表明,一个高度多样化的区域的特征是在主要进化枝R,Q,J,G,T和E中存在16个亚系,并揭示了93%(n = 77)的单倍型是不同的。在这些单倍群中,欧洲特有的R1b-M269谱系最具代表性(57.83%),具有六个不同的亚单倍群和43个独特的单倍型。还根据Q1a2-M3 *(xM19,M194,M199)和Q1a2-M346 *(xM3)血统的存在来检测美国原住民的父系血统。有趣的是,所有Q1a2-M346 *(xM3)样本(n = 7,具有五个不同的单倍型)在DYS391位点携带六个等位基因。该等位基因的全球频率为0.169%,最近与一个新的本机亚单元群相关联。对这些样品的深入系统发育分析表明,在所有发现该特定本地血统的中美洲和南美洲,托利马和惠拉地区都是主要区域。该血统已经存在于该地区至少1,809(+/- 0,5345)年。



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