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The HIV SEERs Project: A Qualitative Analysis of Program Facilitators’ Experience

机译:HIV SEERs项目:对项目主持人经验的定性分析



HIV-related stigma creates barriers to HIV testing, medication adherence, and retention in care. Guided by the principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR) and in collaboration with community health workers (CHWs), the Stigma-reduction through Education, Empowerment, and Research (SEERs) project was developed with and for youth living in Nakuru, Kenya to reduce HIV-related stigma. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of the CHWs serving as SEERs facilitators. To evaluate SEERs, 37 facilitators completed open-ended survey questions to gather their experiences and recommendations for future program implementation and sustainability. Participants’ mean age was 30.58 (standard deviation = 9.62), ranging from ages 18 to 53. Thematic content analysis was used to categorize (a) facilitators’ experiences and the community impact of the SEERs project, (b) lessons learned, and (c) challenges to sustainability. Recommendations will be used to modify the SEERs project, improve implementation and sustainability strategies, and may provide guidance for similar CBPR projects.
机译:与艾滋病毒相关的污名为艾滋病毒检测,药物依从性和保留护理提供了障碍。根据社区参与性研究(CBPR)的原则,并与社区卫生工作者(CHWs)合作,与生活在肯尼亚纳库鲁的年轻人一起开展了通过教育,赋权和研究减少耻辱感项目减少与艾滋病相关的污名。这项定性研究的目的是检验作为SEER促进者的CHW的经验。为了评估SEER,37位主持人完成了不限成员名额的调查问题,以收集他们的经验和建议,以用于将来的计划实施和可持续性。参与者的平均年龄为30.58(标准偏差= 9.62),年龄范围为18至53。主题内容分析用于分类(a)促进者的经验和SEERs项目对社区的影响,(b)经验教训和( c)对可持续性的挑战。建议将用于修改SEER项目,改善实施和可持续性策略,并可以为类似的CBPR项目提供指导。



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