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Mapping of Multiple Complementary Sex Determination Loci in a Parasitoid Wasp




Sex determination has evolved in a variety of ways and can depend on environmental and genetic signals. A widespread form of genetic sex determination is haplodiploidy, where unfertilized, haploid eggs develop into males and fertilized diploid eggs into females. One of the molecular mechanisms underlying haplodiploidy in Hymenoptera, the large insect order comprising ants, bees, and wasps, is complementary sex determination (CSD). In species with CSD, heterozygosity at one or several loci induces female development. Here, we identify the genomic regions putatively underlying multilocus CSD in the parasitoid wasp Lysiphlebus fabarum using restriction-site associated DNA sequencing. By analyzing segregation patterns at polymorphic sites among 331 diploid males and females, we identify up to four CSD candidate regions, all on different chromosomes. None of the candidate regions feature evidence for homology with the csd gene from the honey bee, the only species in which CSD has been characterized, suggesting that CSD in L. fabarum is regulated via a novel molecular mechanism. Moreover, no homology is shared between the candidate loci, in contrast to the idea that multilocus CSD should emerge from duplications of an ancestral single-locus system. Taken together, our results suggest that the molecular mechanisms underlying CSD in Hymenoptera are not conserved between species, raising the question as to whether CSD may have evolved multiple times independently in the group.
机译:性别确定已经以多种方式发展,并且可能取决于环境和遗传信号。遗传性别决定的一种普遍形式是单倍体,其中未受精的单倍体卵发育成雄性,受精的二倍体卵发育成雌性。膜翅目中单倍体形成的分子机制之一是互补性决定(CSD),该昆虫是由蚂蚁,蜜蜂和黄蜂组成的大型昆虫。在具有CSD的物种中,一个或几个基因座的杂合性诱导雌性发育。在这里,我们使用限制性位点相关的DNA测序鉴定了拟寄生蜂黄蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum中潜在的多位点CSD的基因组区域。通过分析331个二倍体雄性和雌性多态性位点的分离模式,我们识别出多达四个CSD候选区域,它们全部位于不同的染色体上。没有一个候选区域具有与蜜蜂中csd基因同源的证据,这是唯一具有CSD特征的物种,这表明法巴莫氏菌中的CSD通过新的分子机制调控。而且,与多基因座CSD应该从祖先单基因座系统的复制中出现的想法相反,候选基因座之间没有同源性。综上所述,我们的结果表明膜翅目中CSD的分子机制在物种之间并不保守,这引发了一个问题,即CSD是否在该群体中独立进化了多次。



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