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Effects of Heating and Cooling on Nerve Terminal Impulses Recorded from Cold-sensitive Receptors in the Guinea-pig Cornea




An in vitro preparation of the guinea-pig cornea was used to study the effects of changing temperature on nerve terminal impulses recorded extracellularly from cold-sensitive receptors. At a stable holding temperature (31–32.5°C), cold receptors had an ongoing periodic discharge of nerve terminal impulses. This activity decreased or ceased with heating and increased with cooling. Reducing the rate of temperature change reduced the respective effects of heating and cooling on nerve terminal impulse frequency. In addition to changes in the frequency of activity, nerve terminal impulse shape also changed with heating and cooling. At the same ambient temperature, nerve terminal impulses were larger in amplitude and faster in time course during heating than those recorded during cooling. The magnitude of these effects of heating and cooling on nerve terminal impulse shape was reduced if the rate of temperature change was slowed. At 29, 31.5, and 35°C, a train of 50 electrical stimuli delivered to the ciliary nerves at 10–40 Hz produced a progressive increase in the amplitude of successive nerve terminal impulses evoked during the train. Therefore, it is unlikely that the reduction in nerve terminal impulse amplitude observed during cooling is due to the activity-dependent changes in the nerve terminal produced by the concomitant increase in impulse frequency. Instead, the differences in nerve terminal impulse shape observed at the same ambient temperature during heating and cooling may reflect changes in the membrane potential of the nerve terminal associated with thermal transduction.
机译:豚鼠角膜的体外制备用于研究温度变化对冷敏感受体胞外记录的神经末梢冲动的影响。在稳定的保持温度(31–32.5°C)下,冷受体持续不断地排出神经末梢冲动。该活性随着加热而降低或停止,而随着冷却而升高。降低温度变化率降低了加热和冷却对神经末梢冲动频率的相应影响。除了活动频率的改变外,神经末梢冲动的形状也随着加热和冷却而改变。在相同的环境温度下,与冷却期间记录的神经末梢脉冲相比,加热过程中的神经末梢脉冲幅度更大,时间进程更快。如果减缓温度变化的速度,则这些加热和冷却对神经末梢冲动形状的影响的大小将减小。在29、31.5和35°C时,以10–40 Hz的频率向睫状神经传递50个电刺激的列车,在列车期间诱发的连续神经末梢脉冲的振幅逐渐增加。因此,在冷却过程中观察到的神经末梢冲动幅度的减小不太可能归因于伴随着冲动频率的增加而在神经末梢产生的与活动有关的变化。相反,在加热和冷却期间在相同环境温度下观察到的神经末梢冲动形状的差异可能反映了与热传导相关的神经末梢膜电位的变化。



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