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Timing and body condition of dichromatic Black Redstarts during autumn migration




Individual variation in postjuvenile molt in male Black Redstart is pronounced with about 90% of young males retaining female‐like coloration (cairei plumage type) and about 10% acquiring adult male‐like feathers (paradoxus plumage type). We examined whether autumn migration timing and body condition differed between individuals of the two plumage types. We used the data of 10,977 Black Redstarts captured during autumn at a ringing site in northern Switzerland where a protocol to record plumage types of captures has been applied since 1980. As cairei individuals cannot be distinguished from young females while sexing is comparatively easy for paradoxus individuals, the proportion of missing data on sex was likely to be higher for cairei individuals than for paradoxus individuals. We formally accounted for captures with unidentified sex using a Bayesian approach and conducted a simulation study to show that our approach was able to provide unbiased results even if the proportion of unsexed captures was high. Applying the method to the Black Redstart data, we found that the proportion of individuals with paradoxus plumage type increased from 7.6% in 1980 to 18.1% in 2013. Individuals with the paradoxus plumage type were on average 0.25 g heavier and had 0.62 mm longer third primaries than individuals with the cairei plumage type. However, we found no support for our expectation of later migration of paradoxus males compared to cairei individuals based on the assumption that paradoxus individuals should occupy autumn territories like adult males. Our results shed new light on the understudied timing of autumn migration in birds and are in line with available studies on Black Redstarts, suggesting a molt‐constraint that allows only young males in good body condition to molt into adult‐like plumages.
机译:雄性Black Redstart幼鱼蜕皮的个体差异明显,大约有90%的年轻雄性保留了雌性似的颜色(蜡笔羽毛类型),约有10%的成年雄性获得了羽毛(悖论性羽毛类型)。我们检查了两种羽毛类型个体之间的秋季迁徙时机和身体状况是否有所不同。自1980年以来,我们使用了在瑞士北部的一个振铃地点捕获的10,977个Black Redstarts数据,该协议自1980年以来已应用一种记录羽毛类型的捕获的协议。由于悖论的个体比较容易区分性别,因此不会区分cairei个体和年轻女性。 ,关于性别的缺失数据的比例对于凯莉个人而言可能比悖论者更高。我们使用贝叶斯方法正式解释了性别不明的捕获物,并进行了模拟研究,表明即使未捕获性病的比例很高,我们的方法也能够提供无偏见的结果。将这种方法应用于Black Redstart数据后,我们发现具有悖论羽毛类型的个体比例从1980年的7.6%增加到2013年的18.1%。具有悖论羽毛类型的个体平均重0.25 g,而第三位则长0.62 mm原发性比具有蜡毛羽毛型的个体好。但是,基于悖论个体应该像成年雄性一样占据秋季领土这一假设,我们发现我们对悖论雄性比凯西个体更晚迁移的预期没有任何支持。我们的研究结果为人们对鸟类秋季迁徙时机的深入研究提供了新的思路,并且与对“黑Red”的现有研究相吻合,表明存在一种蜕皮限制,只有身体状况良好的年轻雄性才能蜕变为成年羽状。



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