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Dampening of population cycles in voles affects small mammal community structure decreases diversity and increases prevalence of a zoonotic disease




Long‐term decline and depression of density in cyclic small rodents is a recent widespread phenomenon. These observed changes at the population level might have cascading effects at the ecosystem level. Here, we assessed relationships between changing boreal landscapes and biodiversity changes of small mammal communities. We also inferred potential effects of observed community changes for increased transmission risk of Puumala virus (PUUV) spread, causing the zoonotic disease nephropatica epidemica in humans. Analyses were based on long‐term (1971–2013) monitoring data of shrews and voles representing 58 time series in northern Sweden. We calculated richness, diversity, and evenness at alpha, beta, and gamma level, partitioned beta diversity into turnover (species replacement) and nestedness (species addition/removal), used similarity percentages (SIMPER) analysis to assess community structure, and calculated the cumulated number of PUUV‐infected bank voles and average PUUV prevalence (percentage of infected bank voles) per vole cycle. Alpha, beta, and gamma richness and diversity of voles, but not shrews, showed long‐term trends that varied spatially. The observed patterns were associated with an increase in community contribution of bank vole (Myodes glareolus), a decrease of gray‐sided vole (M. rufocanus) and field vole (Microtus agrestis) and a hump‐shaped variation in contribution of common shrew (Sorex araneus). Long‐term biodiversity changes were largely related to changes in forest landscape structure. Number of PUUV‐infected bank voles in spring was negatively related to beta and gamma diversity, and positively related to turnover of shrews (replaced by voles) and to community contribution of bank voles. The latter was also positively related to average PUUV prevalence in spring. We showed that long‐term changes in the boreal landscape contributed to explain the decrease in biodiversity and the change in structure of small mammal communities. In addition, our results suggest decrease in small mammal diversity to have knock‐on effects on dynamics of infectious diseases among small mammals with potential implications for disease transmission to humans.
机译:周期性小啮齿动物的密度长期下降和下降是最近普遍出现的现象。这些在人口层面观察到的变化可能在生态系统层面上具有连锁效应。在这里,我们评估了北部地区景观变化与小型哺乳动物群落生物多样性变化之间的关系。我们还推断观察到的群落变化对增加Puumala病毒(PUUV)传播的传播风险的潜在影响,这种传播会导致人畜共患病性nephropatica流行。这些分析基于代表瑞典北部58个时间序列的sh和田鼠的长期(1971-2013年)监测数据。我们计算了alpha,beta和gamma级别的丰富度,多样性和均匀性,将beta多样性划分为营业额(物种替代)和嵌套(物种添加/去除),使用相似度百分比(SIMPER)分析来评估社区结构,并计算PUUV感染的银行田鼠的累计数量和每个田鼠周期的PUUV平均流行率(感染的银行田鼠的百分比)。田鼠的阿尔法,贝塔和伽马丰富度和多样性,而不是sh,显示出长期变化的长期趋势。观察到的模式与河岸田鼠(Myodes glareolus)的社区贡献增加,灰边田鼠(M.rufocanus)和田田田鼠(Microtus agrestis)的减少以及普通sh的贡献呈驼峰状变化有关( Sorex araneus)。生物多样性的长期变化在很大程度上与森林景观结构的变化有关。春季感染PUUV的银行田鼠数量与β和γ多样性呈负相关,与sh的周转率(由田鼠取代)和银行田鼠的社区贡献呈正相关。后者也与春季PUUV的平均发生率呈正相关。我们发现,北方地区的长期变化有助于解释生物多样性的减少和小型哺乳动物群落结构的变化。此外,我们的研究结果表明,小型哺乳动物多样性的下降会对小型哺乳动物中传染病的动力学产生连锁反应,对疾病向人类的传播具有潜在的影响。



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