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Impacts of crowding trawl duration and air exposure on the physiology of stingarees (family: Urolophidae)




Research on physiological stress and post-capture mortality of threatened species caught as bycatch is critical for the management of fisheries. The present study used laboratory simulations to examine the physiological stress response of sparsely spotted stingarees (Urolophus paucimaculatus) subjected to one of four different trawl treatments, including two different trawl durations as well as ancillary stressors of either air exposure or crowding. Physiological indicators (plasma lactate, urea, potassium and glucose) and changes in white blood cell counts were measured from blood samples taken throughout a 48 h recovery period. Mortality was low throughout this study (15% overall) and occurred only after >48 h following air exposure, crowding and 3 h trawl simulations. Plasma lactate, glucose and urea concentrations were identified as potential indicators of physiological stress, while plasma potassium and white blood cell counts were too variable to identify changes that would be expected to have biological consequences for stingarees. The characterization of the temporal profiles of physiological indicators facilitates a more accurate assessment of secondary stressors by identifying the best timing to sample stingaree blood when investigating post-capture stress physiology. High levels of lactate, increasing glucose and depressed urea were all recorded in response to air exposure following trawling, indicating that this is the primary source of stress in stingarees caught in trawling operations. These findings highlight the importance of improving bycatch sorting procedures to reduce the time out of the water for trawl-caught stingarees.
机译:对作为副渔获物的濒危物种的生理压力和捕获后死亡率的研究对于渔业管理至关重要。本研究使用实验室模拟来检查稀疏斑点的st(Urolophus paucimaculatus)的生理应力响应,该稀疏st接受四种拖网处理之一,包括两种不同的拖网持续时间以及空气暴露或拥挤的辅助应激源。在整个48小时的恢复期间,从血液样本中测量生理指标(血浆乳酸,尿素,钾和葡萄糖)和白细胞计数的变化。在整个研究中,死亡率很低(总体为15%),并且仅在空气暴露,拥挤和3拖网拖网模拟后> 48 h之后才发生。血浆乳酸,葡萄糖和尿素浓度被确定为生理应激的潜在指标,而血浆钾和白细胞计数的变化太大以至于无法识别出可能对st有生物学影响的变化。生理指标的时间分布图的表征有助于通过在调查捕获后应激生理时确定采样野猪血液的最佳时机来更准确地评估次级应激源。拖网后暴露于空气中,记录了高水平的乳酸,升高的葡萄糖和降低的尿素含量,表明这是拖网作业中诱捕的野猪的主要压力来源。这些发现凸显了改善兼捕物分拣程序以减少拖网捕捞的野马出水时间的重要性。



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