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Comparative Genomics of a Bacterivorous Green Alga Reveals Evolutionary Causalities and Consequences of Phago-Mixotrophic Mode of Nutrition




Cymbomonas tetramitiformis—a marine prasinophyte—is one of only a few green algae that still retain an ancestral particulate-feeding mechanism while harvesting energy through photosynthesis. The genome of the alga is estimated to be 850 Mb–1.2 Gb in size—the bulk of which is filled with repetitive sequences—and is annotated with 37,366 protein-coding gene models. A number of unusual metabolic pathways (for the Chloroplastida) are predicted for C. tetramitiformis, including pathways for Lipid-A and peptidoglycan metabolism. Comparative analyses of the predicted peptides of C. tetramitiformis to sets of other eukaryotes revealed that nonphagocytes are depleted in a number of genes, a proportion of which have known function in feeding. In addition, our analysis suggests that obligatory phagotrophy is associated with the loss of genes that function in biosynthesis of small molecules (e.g., amino acids). Further, C. tetramitiformis and at least one other phago-mixotrophic alga are thus unique, compared with obligatory heterotrophs and nonphagocytes, in that both feeding and small molecule synthesis-related genes are retained in their genomes. These results suggest that early, ancestral host eukaryotes that gave rise to phototrophs had the capacity to assimilate building block molecules from inorganic substances (i.e., prototrophy). The loss of biosynthesis genes, thus, may at least partially explain the apparent lack of instances of permanent incorporation of photosynthetic endosymbionts in later-divergent, auxotrophic eukaryotic lineages, such as metazoans and ciliates.
机译:三角藻(Cymbomonastetramitiformis)是一种海洋藻类植物,是仅有的少数绿藻之一,在通过光合作用收集能量的同时仍保留着祖先的颗粒进食机制。藻类的基因组估计为850 Mb–1.2 Gb,其中大部分被重复序列填充,并以37,366个蛋白质编码基因模型作为注释。预测有许多不寻常的代谢途径(对于叶绿体)为四亚种梭状芽胞杆菌,包括脂质-A和肽聚糖代谢的途径。对四肢梭状芽胞杆菌的预测肽与其他真核生物组的比较分析表明,非吞噬细胞中的许多基因都被消耗掉,其中一部分具有已知的进食功能。此外,我们的分析表明,强制性吞噬营养与在小分子(例如氨基酸)的生物合成中起作用的基因的丧失有关。此外,与强制性异养生物和非吞噬细胞相比,四亚种梭状芽胞杆菌和至少一种其他吞噬营养型藻类是独特的,因为进食和小分子合成相关基因都保留在它们的基因组中。这些结果表明,引起光养性的早期祖先宿主真核生物具有吸收无机物质(即原养)中的结构分子的能力。因此,生物合成基因的丢失至少可以部分解释明显缺乏在后来发散的,营养缺陷型的真核生物谱系(如后生动物和纤毛虫)中永久掺入光合作用内共生体的情况。



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