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Comparative Genomics of a Plant-Parasitic Nematode Endosymbiont Suggest a Role in Nutritional Symbiosis




Bacterial mutualists can modulate the biochemical capacity of animals. Highly coevolved nutritional mutualists do this by synthesizing nutrients missing from the host’s diet. Genomics tools have advanced the study of these partnerships. Here we examined the endosymbiont Xiphinematobacter (phylum Verrucomicrobia) from the dagger nematode Xiphinema americanum, a migratory ectoparasite of numerous crops that also vectors nepovirus. Previously, this endosymbiont was identified in the gut, ovaries, and eggs, but its role was unknown. We explored the potential role of this symbiont using fluorescence in situ hybridization, genome sequencing, and comparative functional genomics. We report the first genome of an intracellular Verrucomicrobium and the first exclusively intracellular non-Wolbachia nematode symbiont. Results revealed that Xiphinematobacter had a small 0.916-Mb genome with only 817 predicted proteins, resembling genomes of other mutualist endosymbionts. Compared with free-living relatives, conserved proteins were shorter on average, and there was large-scale loss of regulatory pathways. Despite massive gene loss, more genes were retained for biosynthesis of amino acids predicted to be essential to the host. Gene ontology enrichment tests showed enrichment for biosynthesis of arginine, histidine, and aromatic amino acids, as well as thiamine and coenzyme A, diverging from the profiles of relatives Akkermansia muciniphilia (in the human colon), Methylacidiphilum infernorum, and the mutualist Wolbachia from filarial nematodes. Together, these features and the location in the gut suggest that Xiphinematobacter functions as a nutritional mutualist, supplementing essential nutrients that are depleted in the nematode diet. This pattern points to evolutionary convergence with endosymbionts found in sap-feeding insects.
机译:细菌互助者可以调节动物的生化能力。高度进化的营养共产主义者通过合成宿主饮食中缺少的营养素来做到这一点。基因组学工具促进了这些伙伴关系的研究。在这里,我们检查了来自匕首线虫Xiphinema americanum的内共生的Xiphinematobacter(蠕状病毒门),它是许多作物的迁移外寄生物,也携带nepovirus。以前,这种共生共生体在肠道,卵巢和卵中被发现,但其作用尚不清楚。我们利用荧光原位杂交,基因组测序和比较功能基因组学探索了这种共生体的潜在作用。我们报告了一个细胞内疣状疣的第一个基因组和第一个专门的细胞内非Wolbachia线虫共生体。结果显示,Xiphinematobacter的基因组很小,只有0.916-Mb的基因组,只有817个预测蛋白,与其他共生内共生体的基因组相似。与自由生活的亲戚相比,保守的蛋白质平均较短,并且存在大量的调节途径损失。尽管大量基因丢失,但仍保留了更多基因用于生物合成,预计氨基酸对宿主至关重要。基因本体论富集测试显示精氨酸,组氨酸和芳香族氨基酸以及硫胺素和辅酶A的生物合成富集,与亲戚Akkermansia muciniphilia(在人类结肠中),Methylacidiphilum infernorum和来自丝虫的共生Wolbachia的谱不同线虫。这些特征和在肠道中的位置共同表明,Xiphinematobacter起到营养共生的作用,补充了线虫饮食中消耗的必需营养素。这种模式表明与汁液喂养昆虫中发现的共生菌进化趋同。



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