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Salience network engagement with the detection of morally laden information




Moral cognition is associated with activation of the default network, regions implicated in mentalizing about one’s own actions or the intentions of others. Yet little is known about the initial detection of moral information. We examined the neural correlates of moral processing during a narrative completion task, which included an implicit moral salience manipulation. During fMRI scanning, participants read a brief vignette and selected the most semantically congruent sentence from two options to complete the narrative. The options were immoral, moral or neutral statements. RT was fastest for the selection of neutral statements and slowest for immoral statements. Neuroimaging analyses revealed that responses involving morally laden content engaged default and executive control network brain regions including medial and rostral prefrontal cortex, and core regions of the salience network, including anterior insula and dorsal anterior cingulate. Immoral vs moral conditions additionally engaged the salience network. These results implicate the salience network in the detection of moral information, which may modulate downstream default and frontal control network interactions in the service of complex moral reasoning and decision-making processes. These findings suggest that moral cognition involves both bottom-up and top-down attentional processes, mediated by discrete large-scale brain networks and their interactions.
机译:道德认知与默认网络的激活有关,默认网络是与思考自己的行为或他人意图有关的区域。关于道德信息的最初检测还知之甚少。我们在叙述完成任务中检查了道德加工的神经相关性,其中包括隐式的道德显着性操纵。在fMRI扫描过程中,参与者阅读了简短的小插图,并从两个选项中选择了语义上最一致的句子以完成叙述。选择是不道德的,道德的或中立的声明。 RT在选择中立陈述时最快,而在不道德陈述时最慢。神经影像学分析显示,涉及具有道德负担的内容的反应参与了默认和执行控制网络的大脑区域,包括内侧和延髓前额叶皮层,以及显着网络的核心区域,包括前岛和背侧扣带。不道德与道德条件另外也影响了显着网络。这些结果暗示了显着网络在道德信息的检测中,这可能在复杂的道德推理和决策过程中调节下游默认和正面控制网络的交互。这些发现表明,道德认知涉及自下而上和自上而下的注意过程,这些过程由离散的大规模大脑网络及其相互作用介导。



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