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Stigmatic limitations on reproductive success in a paleotropical tree: causes and consequences




Success in reproduction is subject to the successful initiation as well as successful completion of a chain of consecutive events starting from flower formation and ending with viable seed production. A pivotal role in this chain is played by the stigma which is the seat of pollen recognition and initiation of pollen–pistil interaction. An interesting feature of the family Bignoniaceae is the presence of thigmosensitive stigmas which open, close and re-open in response to touch. Kigelia pinnata bears a touch sensitive stigma and is a low fruit setter in Jammu and Kashmir (India). One possible reason might be pollen limitation coupled with reported self-incompatibility. However, not much is known about the mechanism of self-incompatibility in K. pinnata or of the role of its thigmotropic stigma. Carefully designed manual pollination experiments along with critical field observations revealed naturally deposited pollen load to be too low to cause permanent closure of stigma lobes. A strong relationship exists between the threshold pollen load on stigma, its permanent closure and fertilization. Of the various pollination treatments undertaken, fruits were formed only in open and manual cross pollinations when ∼9200 pollen of legitimate type is deposited on the stigma. Thigmosensitivity further limited the opportunity for the deposition of optimum pollen loads. Although, frequented by as many as seven different visitors, an average of 8 bats per night are available for as many as 30 trees which reflects a baseline deficiency of effective pollinators. This limitation in pollen and pollinator availability affects pollination success of this species and ends up with low fruit set. Fluorescence microscopy reveals successful germination and tube growth of pollen grains of both self and cross type but fruit-set is 100 % in cross-pollinated pistils only. Despite slower rates of ovule penetration and evidence of delayed fertilization, absolutely no fruit initiation occurs in self-pollinated pistils. This strongly points towards self incompatibility being late acting.
机译:繁殖的成功取决于成功的开始和成功完成的一系列连续事件,这些事件从花的形成开始到以可行的种子生产结束。柱头在这条链中起着举足轻重的作用,柱头是花粉识别和启动花粉-雌蕊相互作用的场所。紫Big科的一个有趣特征是存在对触觉敏感的柱头,这些柱头可以打开,关闭和重新打开。 Kigelia pinnata带有触敏烙印,在查is和克什米尔邦(印度)的坐果率低。一种可能的原因可能是花粉受限,加上据报道的自我不相容性。但是,关于pinkata的自交不亲和机制或其触变性柱头的作用还知之甚少。精心设计的人工授粉实验以及关键的实地观察表明,自然沉积的花粉负荷太低而无法永久关闭柱头裂片。柱头上的花粉阈值负荷,永久关闭和受精之间存在密切关系。在进行的各种授粉处理中,当约9200个合法类型的花粉沉积在柱头上时,果实仅在开放和手动交叉授粉中形成。血流敏感性进一步限制了沉积最佳花粉量的机会。尽管有多达7个不同的访客经常光顾,但平均每晚8根蝙蝠可用于多达30棵树,这反映了有效传粉媒介的基线水平。花粉和授粉媒介可用性的这种局限性影响了该物种的授粉成功,最终导致坐果率低。荧光显微镜显示,自交和交叉型花粉粒均能成功发芽和生长,但仅在交叉授粉的雌蕊中坐果率是100 is%。尽管胚珠渗透率降低且受精延迟的迹象,但自花授粉的雌蕊中绝对没有发生果实萌生。这强烈表明自我不兼容是迟来的行为。



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