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An extensive common‐garden study with domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon in the wild reveals impact on smolt production and shifts in fitness traits




Interactions between domesticated escapees and wild conspecifics represent a threat to the genetic integrity and fitness of native populations. For Atlantic salmon, the recurrent presence of large numbers of domesticated escapees in the wild makes it necessary to better understand their impacts on native populations. We planted 254,400 eggs from 75 families of domesticated, F1‐hybrid, and wild salmon in a river containing up‐ and downstream traps. Additionally, 41,630 hatchery smolts of the same pedigrees were released into the river. Over 8 years, 6,669 out‐migrating smolts and 356 returning adults were recaptured and identified to their families of origin with DNA. In comparison with wild salmon, domesticated fish had substantially lower egg to smolt survival (1.8% vs. 3.8% across cohorts), they migrated earlier in the year (11.8 days earlier across years), but they only displayed marginally larger smolt sizes and marginally lower smolt ages. Upon return to freshwater, domesticated salmon were substantially larger at age than wild salmon (2.4 vs. 2.0, 4.8 vs. 3.2, and 8.5 vs. 5.6 kg across sexes for 1, 2, and 3 sea‐winter fish) and displayed substantially lower released smolt to adult survival (0.41% vs. 0.94% across releases). Overall, egg‐to‐returning adult survival ratios were 1:0.76:0.30 and 1:0.44:0.21 for wild:F1‐hybrid:domesticated salmon, respectively, using two different types of data. This study represents the most updated and extensive analysis of domesticated, hybrid, and wild salmon in the wild and provides the first documentation of a clear genetic difference in the timing of smolt migration—an adaptive trait presumed to be linked with optimal timing of entry to seawater. We conclude that spawning and hybridization of domesticated escapees can lead to (i) reduced wild smolt output and therefore wild adult abundance, through resource competition in freshwater, (ii) reduced total adult abundance due to freshwater competition and reduced marine survival of domesticated salmon, and (iii) maladaptive changes in phenotypic traits.
机译:驯化的逃逸者与野生物种之间的相互作用对本地居民的遗传完整性和适应性构成了威胁。对于大西洋鲑鱼,在野外经常出现大量驯化逃逸者,因此有必要更好地了解它们对当地人口的影响。我们在一条包含上,下游诱集装置的河流中,从75个驯养,F1杂交和野生鲑鱼科中种植了254,400个卵。此外,相同血统的41,630个孵化场孵化用鲑鱼也被释放到河中。在8年多的时间里,共捕获了6669头移居出境的软体动物和356头返乡的成年鸟,并用其DNA鉴定出其起源家庭。与野生鲑鱼相比,驯养的鱼卵到软体动物的存活率要低得多(1.8%vs.3.8%),它们在一年中早些时候迁徙(多年中的11.8天),但是它们只显示出较大的软体动物大小,略微有些变化。较低的鼠年龄。回到淡水后,驯化鲑鱼的年龄要比野生鲑鱼大得多(1、2和3尾冬鱼的性别之间分别为2.4公斤,2.0公斤,4.8公斤,3.2公斤和8.5公斤和5.6公斤),并且显示较低释放的成年成年鲑(0.41%vs. 0.94%)。总体而言,使用两种不同类型的数据,野生:F1-杂交:驯养鲑鱼的成卵与成年成年成活比分别为1:0.76:0.30和1:0.44:0.21。这项研究代表了对野生鲑鱼的驯化,杂交和野生鲑鱼的最新,最全面的分析,并提供了关于鲑鱼迁徙时间方面明显的遗传差异的第一个文献资料,据认为该适应性状与最佳的进入时间有关。海水。我们得出的结论是,驯化的逃逸者的产卵和杂交可导致(i)通过淡水资源竞争减少野生鲑鱼的产量,从而降低野生成年鲑的丰富度;(ii)由于淡水竞争而减少的成年总丰富度,以及减少驯化鲑鱼的海洋生存能力, (iii)表型性状的适应不良改变。



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