首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Lipid Research >Feeding Angptl4−/− mice trans fat promotes foam cell formation in mesenteric lymph nodes without leading to ascites

Feeding Angptl4−/− mice trans fat promotes foam cell formation in mesenteric lymph nodes without leading to ascites




Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) regulates plasma triglyceride levels by inhibiting LPL. Inactivation of ANGPTL4 decreases plasma triglycerides and reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. Unfortunately, targeting ANGPTL4 for the therapeutic management of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis is hampered by the observation that mice and monkeys in which ANGPTL4 is inactivated exhibit lipid accumulation in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs). In mice these pathological events exclusively unfold upon feeding a high saturated FA diet and are followed by an ultimately lethal pro-inflammatory response and chylous ascites. Here, we show that Angptl4−/− mice fed a diet rich in trans FAs develop numerous lipid-filled giant cells in their MLNs, yet do not have elevated serum amyloid and haptoglobin, do not exhibit ascites, and survive, unlike Angptl4−/− mice fed a saturated FA-rich diet. In RAW264.7 macrophages, the saturated FA, palmitate, markedly increased markers of inflammation and the unfolded protein response, whereas the trans-unsaturated elaidate and the cis-unsaturated oleate had the opposite effect. In conclusion, trans and saturated FAs have very distinct biological effects in macrophages. Furthermore, lipid accumulation in MLNs is uncoupled from activation of an acute-phase response and chylous ascites, suggesting that ANGPTL4 should not be fully dismissed as target for dyslipidemia.
机译:血管生成素样4(ANGPTL4)通过抑制LPL调节血浆甘油三酯水平。 ANGPTL4的失活减少血浆甘油三酸酯并降低冠状动脉疾病的风险。不幸的是,观察到ANGPTL4被失活的小鼠和猴子在肠系膜淋巴结(MLNs)中显示脂质蓄积,这阻碍了靶向ANGPTL4治疗血脂异常和动脉粥样硬化。在小鼠中,这些病理事件仅在喂饱高饱和脂肪酸饮食后才会发生,并最终导致致命的促炎反应和乳突性腹水。在这里,我们显示,饲喂富含反式FA的饮食的Angptl4 -/-小鼠在其MLN中发育出许多充满脂质的巨细胞,但它们的血清淀粉样蛋白和触珠蛋白没有升高,不显示腹水,与Angptl4 -/-小鼠喂养富含FA的饱和饮食不同,它们可以存活。在RAW264.7巨噬细胞中,饱和脂肪酸棕榈酸酯显着增加了炎症标志物和未折叠的蛋白质反应标记,而反式不饱和的油酸酯和顺式不饱和的油酸酯具有相反的作用。总之,反式和饱和脂肪酸在巨噬细胞中具有非常不同的生物学效应。此外,MLNs中的脂质蓄积与急性期反应和乳突性腹水的激活没有关联,这表明不应将ANGPTL4作为血脂异常的靶点。



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