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Magnocellular and parvocellular pathway contributions to facial threat cue processing




Human faces evolved to signal emotions, with their meaning contextualized by eye gaze. For instance, a fearful expression paired with averted gaze clearly signals both presence of threat and its probable location. Conversely, direct gaze paired with facial fear leaves the source of the fear-evoking threat ambiguous. Given that visual perception occurs in parallel streams with different processing emphases, our goal was to test a recently developed hypothesis that clear and ambiguous threat cues would differentially engage the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) pathways, respectively. We employed two-tone face images to characterize the neurodynamics evoked by stimuli that were biased toward M or P pathways. Human observers (N = 57) had to identify the expression of fearful or neutral faces with direct or averted gaze while their magnetoencephalogram was recorded. Phase locking between the amygdaloid complex, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and fusiform gyrus increased early (0–300 ms) for M-biased clear threat cues (averted-gaze fear) in the β-band (13–30 Hz) while P-biased ambiguous threat cues (direct-gaze fear) evoked increased θ (4–8 Hz) phase locking in connections with OFC of the right hemisphere. We show that M and P pathways are relatively more sensitive toward clear and ambiguous threat processing, respectively, and characterize the neurodynamics underlying emotional face processing in the M and P pathways.
机译:人脸演变为发信号的情感,其含义通过眼神凝视。例如,令人恐惧的表情加上避免的目光清楚地预示着威胁的存在及其可能的位置。相反,直接凝视与面部恐惧相伴,则使恐惧恐惧的根源变得模棱两可。鉴于视觉感知发生在具有不同处理重点的并行流中,因此我们的目标是检验一种新近发展的假设,即清晰而模棱两可的威胁线索将分别区别于大细胞(M)和小细胞(P)途径。我们采用两色调的脸部图像来表征偏向M或P途径的刺激引起的神经动力学。观察者(N = 57)在记录他们的脑磁图时必须识别直视或避免凝视的恐惧或中性表情。杏仁核复合体,眶额皮层(OFC)和梭状回之间的锁相在β波段(13–30 Hz)中因M偏向的清晰威胁线索(平均凝视恐惧)提前(0–300毫秒)而增加偏向的模糊威胁提示(直接凝视恐惧)引起与右半球OFC连接的θ(4-8 Hz)锁相增加。我们显示,M和P途径分别对清除和模棱两可的威胁处理相对更敏感,并表征了M和P途径中情绪面孔处理的神经动力学。



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