首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Digital Imaging >Effectiveness of Deep Learning Algorithms to Determine Laterality in Radiographs

Effectiveness of Deep Learning Algorithms to Determine Laterality in Radiographs




Develop a highly accurate deep learning model to reliably classify radiographs by laterality. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data for nine body parts was extracted retrospectively. Laterality was determined directly if encoded properly or inferred using other elements. Curation confirmed categorization and identified inaccurate labels due to human error. Augmentation enriched training data to semi-equilibrate classes. Classification and object detection models were developed on a dedicated workstation and tested on novel images. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated. Study-level accuracy was determined and both were compared to human performance. An ensemble model was tested for the rigorous use-case of automatically classifying exams retrospectively. The final classification model identified novel images with an ROC area under the curve (AUC) of 0.999, improving on previous work and comparable to human performance. A similar ROC curve was observed for per-study analysis with AUC of 0.999. The object detection model classified images with accuracy of 99% or greater at both image and study level. Confidence scores allow adjustment of sensitivity and specificity as needed; the ensemble model designed for the highly specific use-case of automatically classifying exams was comparable and arguably better than human performance demonstrating 99% accuracy with 1% of exams unchanged and no incorrect classification. Deep learning models can classify radiographs by laterality with high accuracy and may be applied in a variety of settings that could improve patient safety and radiologist satisfaction. Rigorous use-cases requiring high specificity are achievable.



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