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State‐space modeling reveals habitat perception of a small terrestrial mammal in a fragmented landscape




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal" id="ece35519-list-0001">Habitat loss is a major cause of species loss and is expected to increase. Loss of habitat is often associated with fragmentation of remaining habitat. Whether species can persist in fragmented landscapes may depend on their movement behavior, which determines their capability to respond flexibility to changes in habitat structure and spatial distribution of patches.Movement is frequently generalized to describe a total area used, or segmented to highlight resource use, often overlooking finer‐scale individual behaviors. We applied hidden Markov models (HMM) to movement data from 26 eastern bettongs (Bettongia gaimardi) in fragmented landscapes. HMMs are able to identify distinct behavior states associated with different movement patterns and discover how these behaviors are associated with habitat features.Three distinct behavior states were identified and interpreted as denning, foraging, and fast‐traveling. The probability of occurrence of each state, and of transitions between them, was predicted by variation in tree‐canopy cover and understorey vegetation density. Denning was associated with woodland with low canopy cover but high vegetation density, foraging with high canopy cover but low vegetation density, and fast‐traveling with low canopy cover and low vegetation density.Bettongs did move outside woodland patches, often fast‐traveling through pasture and using smaller stands of trees as stepping stones between neighboring patches. Males were more likely to fast‐travel and venture outside woodlands patches, while females concentrated their movement within woodland patches. Synthesis and applications: Our work demonstrates the value of using animal movement to understand how animals respond to variation in habitat structure, including fragmentation. Analysis using HMMs was able to characterize distinct habitat types needed for foraging and denning, and identify landscape features that facilitate movement between patches. Future work should extend the use of individual movement analyses to guide management of fragmented habitat in ways that support persistence of species potentially threatened by habitat loss.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal” id =“ ece35519-list-0001”> <!-list-behavior =列举的prefix-word = mark-type = decimal max-label- size = 0-> 栖息地丧失是造成物种丧失的主要原因,而且预计还会增加。生境的丧失通常与剩余生境的破碎化有关。物种是否能够在零散的景观中生存,可能取决于它们的运动行为,这决定了它们对生境结构和斑块的空间分布变化做出响应的能力。 运动通常被概括为描述所使用的总面积,或细分以突出资源使用,通常会忽略更小规模的个人行为。我们将隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)应用于来自零散景观中26个东部bettong(Bettongia gaimardi)的运动数据。 HMM能够识别与不同运动方式相关的不同行为状态,并发现这些行为与栖息地特征的相关性。 确定了三种不同的行为状态,并将其解释为觅食,觅食和快速旅行。通过树冠覆盖和下层植被密度的变化来预测每种状态以及它们之间转变的可能性。丹宁与冠层覆盖率低但植被密度高的林地,高冠层覆盖率但植被密度低的觅食以及低冠层覆盖率和植被密度低的快速旅行有关。 Bettong确实在林地外部移动,通常会快速穿越牧场,并使用较小的树木作为相邻斑块之间的垫脚石。雄性更有可能在林地之外快速旅行和冒险,而雌性则将运动集中在林地中。 综合与应用:我们的工作证明了利用动物运动来理解动物如何应对变异的价值。在生境结构中,包括破碎化。使用HMM进行的分析能够表征觅食和定居所需的不同栖息地类型,并确定有助于斑块之间移动的景观特征。未来的工作应该扩展个人运动分析的用途,以指导支离破碎的栖息地管理,以支持可能受到栖息地丧失威胁的物种的持久性。



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