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Linking patients with community resources: use of a free YMCA membership among low-income black women




Given the increasing interest in expanding obesity prevention efforts to cover community-based programs, we examined whether individuals would access a YMCA for physical activity promotion. We provided a no-cost 12-month YMCA membership to socioeconomically disadvantaged black women who were randomized to the intervention arm of a weight gain prevention trial (n = 91). Analyses examined associations of membership activation and use with baseline psychosocial, contextual, health-related, and sociodemographic factors. Many participants (70.3 %) activated their memberships; however, use was low (42.2 % had no subsequent visits, 46.9 % had one to ten visits). There were no predictors of membership activation, but individuals living below/borderline the federal poverty line were more likely to use the center (1+ visits), as were those who met physical activity guidelines at baseline. More comprehensive and intensive interventions may be necessary to promote use of community resources—even when provided free—among high-risk populations of women with obesity that live in rural areas of the USA.
机译:鉴于越来越多的人将预防肥胖的努力扩展到涵盖社区计划,我们研究了个人是否会使用YMCA来促进体育锻炼。我们向社会经济地位处于不利地位的黑人妇女免费提供了为期12个月的YMCA会员资格,这些妇女被随机分配到体重增加预防试验的干预组中(n = 91)。分析检查了成员资格激活和使用与基线社会心理,情境,健康相关和社会人口统计学因素的关联。许多参与者(70.3%)激活了他们的会员资格;但是使用率很低(42.2%的人没有后续访问,46.9%的人访问了1到10次)。没有预测会激活会员资格的指标,但是生活在联邦贫困线以下/边界线以下的人更有可能使用该中心(超过1次访问),而那些在基线时达到体育锻炼准则的人也是如此。对于生活在美国农村地区的肥胖症高危女性人群,即使是免费提供,也可能需要采取更全面,更深入的干预措施,以促进社区资源的使用。



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