首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Different suitability of improved irrigation channels as reproductive sites for Cyprininae and Silurus asotus

Different suitability of improved irrigation channels as reproductive sites for Cyprininae and Silurus asotus




Irrigation channels around paddy fields have been drastically improved over the past several decades in Japan. This has been accomplished exclusively by covering all the sides of channels with concrete. Although it is conventionally accepted that channel improvement has deteriorated quality of spawning and nursery sites for fish, to date, there is little evidence to support this claim. We examined the degree to which an improved irrigation channel with pools functioned as a spawning and nursery site for Silurus asotus and Cyprininae species within the Ezuragawa creek system that pours into Lake Biwa, Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. More eggs were observed for S. asotus than for Cyprininae species, but the opposite tendency was observed for the larvae and juveniles. Moreover, S. asotus juveniles were extremely rare. Therefore, our data suggest that improved irrigation channels are not suitable spawning and nursery sites for some species.
机译:在过去的几十年中,日本稻田周围的灌溉渠道得到了极大的改善。这仅通过用混凝土覆盖通道的所有侧面来完成。尽管通常认为渠道改进已使鱼类产卵和育苗场的质量恶化,但迄今为止,几乎没有证据支持这一说法。我们研究了在向滋贺县彦根市琵琶湖涌入的Ezuragawa溪流系统内,改良的带水池灌溉渠道充当蓝尾Sil(Silurus asotus)和鲤科(Cyprininae)物种的产卵和育苗场的程度。相比于鲤鱼科的物种,观察到的沙门氏菌卵更多,但幼虫和幼虫的卵趋势却相反。此外,华沙链球菌幼鱼极为罕见。因此,我们的数据表明,改进的灌溉渠道不适用于某些物种的产卵和育苗场。



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