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A single exercise bout enhances the manufacture of viral-specific T-cells from healthy donors: implications for allogeneic adoptive transfer immunotherapy




Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The adoptive transfer of donor-derived viral-specific cytotoxic T-cells (VSTs) is an effective treatment for controlling CMV and EBV infections after HSCT; however, new practical methods are required to augment the ex vivo manufacture of multi-VSTs from healthy donors. This study investigated the effects of a single exercise bout on the ex vivo manufacture of multi-VSTs. PBMCs isolated from healthy CMV/EBV seropositive participants before (PRE) and immediately after (POST) 30-minutes of cycling exercise were stimulated with CMV (pp65 and IE1) and EBV (LMP2A and BMLF1) peptides and expanded over 8 days. The number (fold difference from PRE) of T-cells specific for CMV pp65 (2.6), EBV LMP2A (2.5), and EBV BMLF1 (4.4) was greater among the VSTs expanded POST. VSTs expanded PRE and POST had similar phenotype characteristics and were equally capable of MHC-restricted killing of autologous target cells. We conclude that a single exercise bout enhances the manufacture of multi-VSTs from healthy donors without altering their phenotype or function and may serve as a simple and economical adjuvant to boost the production of multi-VSTs for allogeneic adoptive transfer immunotherapy.
机译:异体造血干细胞移植(HSCT)后,巨细胞病毒(CMV)和爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)感染仍然是发病率和死亡率的主要原因。供体来源的病毒特异性细胞毒性T细胞(VST)的过继转移是控制HSCT后控制CMV和EBV感染的有效方法。然而,需要新的实用方法来增强来自健康供体的多VST的离体生产。这项研究调查了一次运动对多VST体外制造的影响。从健康CMV / EBV血清阳性参与者分离的PBMC在(PRE)之前和之后(POST)进行30分钟的自行车运动后,将被CMV(pp65和IE1)和EBV(LMP2A和BMLF1)肽刺激,并扩展8天。在VST扩展POST中,对CMV pp65(2.6),EBV LMP2A(2.5)和EBV BMLF1(4.4)特异的T细胞的数量(与PRE的倍数差异)更大。 VSTs扩展的PRE和POST具有相似的表型特征,并且同样具有MHC限制的自体靶细胞杀伤能力。我们得出的结论是,一次运动可以增强健康供体的多种VST的生产,而不会改变它们的表型或功能,并且可以作为简单经济的佐剂来促进异体过继移植免疫疗法的多种VST的生产。



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