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Quantitative Comparison of Photothermal Heat Generation between Gold Nanospheres and Nanorods




Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are widely used for biomedical applications due to unique optical properties, established synthesis methods, and biological compatibility. Despite important applications of plasmonic heating in thermal therapy, imaging, and diagnostics, the lack of quantification in heat generation leads to difficulties in comparing the heating capability for new plasmonic nanostructures and predicting the therapeutic and diagnostic outcome. This study quantifies GNP heat generation by experimental measurements and theoretical predictions for gold nanospheres (GNS) and nanorods (GNR). Interestingly, the results show a GNP-type dependent agreement between experiment and theory. The measured heat generation of GNS matches well with theory, while the measured heat generation of GNR is only 30% of that predicted theoretically at peak absorption. This then leads to a surprising finding that the polydispersity, the deviation of nanoparticle size and shape from nominal value, significantly influences GNR heat generation (>70% reduction), while having a limited effect for GNS (<10% change). This work demonstrates that polydispersity is an important metric in quantitatively predicting plasmonic heat generation and provides a validated framework to quantitatively compare the heating capabilities between gold and other plasmonic nanostructures.
机译:金纳米颗粒(GNP)由于其独特的光学性质,已建立的合成方法和生物相容性而广泛用于生物医学应用。尽管等离激元加热在热疗法,成像和诊断中有重要的应用,但是热量生成的缺乏导致在比较新的等离激元纳米结构的加热能力以及预测治疗和诊断结果方面存在困难。这项研究通过实验测量和对金纳米球(GNS)和纳米棒(GNR)的理论预测来量化GNP的热量产生。有趣的是,结果表明实验与理论之间存在GNP类型的依赖关系。 GNS的测得热量与理论吻合得很好,而GNR的测得热量仅是理论上在峰值吸收时预测的热量的30%。然后,这导致了令人惊讶的发现,即多分散性,纳米颗粒尺寸和形状与标称值的偏差,显着影响了GNR的热量产生(减少了70%以上),而对GNS的作用却有限(变化小于10%)。这项工作表明,多分散性是定量预测等离子体热产生的重要指标,并提供了一个经过验证的框架,可以定量比较金与其他等离子体纳米结构之间的加热能力。



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