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Statistical analysis and a case study of tropical cyclones that trigger the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon




This paper addresses whether a tropical cyclone can trigger the onset of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon (SM). We conducted a statistical analysis of tropical cyclones (TCs) generated over the western North Pacific (WNP) between late-April and May. The results showed that there were cases in which TCs were generated before the onset of the SCSSM, accounting for 43.2% of the TCs generated during this season. This study examined a representative case, Super Typhoon Chanchu (0601), which was determined to be influential in the onset of the SCSSM. With a northwestward track, Chanchu brought strong convection and westerly winds to the SCS on 12 May, which triggered the intrusion of the southwesterly winds from the Bay of Bengal and the eastward retreat of the western Pacific subtropical high. Super Typhoon Chanchu provides an example in which a TC triggered the onset of the SCSSM. The negative correlation between the onset date of the SCSSM and the number of TCs generated over the WNP used to be interpreted as the influence of the monsoon trough on TC genesis. This work provides a supplementary illustration that this relationship also includes the impact of TCs on the onset of the SCSSM.
机译:本文探讨了热带气旋是否会引发南海夏季风(SMS)的发作。我们对4月下旬至5月之间在北太平洋西部(WNP)上产生的热带气旋(TC)进行了统计分析。结果表明,在SCSSM发生之前有TC产生的案例,占这一季节TC产生的TC的43.2%。这项研究检查了一个代表性案例,超级台风“ Chanchu”(0601),该案例被确定对SCSSM的发作具有影响力。伴随着西北风,Chanchu在5月12日给南海带来了强对流和西风,这触发了西南风从孟加拉湾侵入,并向西太平洋副热带高压的东侧撤退。超级台风Chanchu提供了一个示例,其中TC触发了SCSSM的发作。 SCSSM的发病日期与WNP上产生的TC数量之间的负相关曾经被解释为季风槽对TC发生的影响。这项工作提供了补充说明,这种关系还包括TC对SCSSM发作的影响。



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