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Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis related diabetes: a selectiveapproach in performing the oral glucose tolerance test based on acombination of clinical and biochemical criteria




BACKGROUND—Cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) has become increasingly common with the increasing longevity of patients with cystic fibrosis. The diagnosis of CFRD is important as its development may lead to a clinical deterioration which may be reversed with treatment. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is the method of choice in the diagnosis of CFRD, but performing OGTTs on all patients is inconvenient for patients and labour intensive for staff. The aim of this study was to identify a more selective approach in performing OGTTs in the diagnosis of CFRD based on the use of a combination of clinical and biochemical criteria.
METHODS—Clinically stable adult patients with cystic fibrosis not known to be diabetic attending the Royal Brompton Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Clinic for their annual review were invited to return within a month to have an OGTT. The result of the OGTT was compared with the results of tests performed during the annual review. The sensitivities and specificities of various methods used in the screening or diagnosis of CFRD were determined using OGTT as the "gold standard" diagnostic method. Thecombination of clinical and biochemical criteria which resulted in thehighest sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of CFRD was determined.
RESULTS—Between August1996 and May 1997 122 patients became eligible for the study, 91 ofwhom agreed to take part. The number of patients with normal, impaired,and diabetic glucose tolerance was 58 (64%), 21 (23%), and 12 (13%),respectively. When used alone, abnormal glycosylated haemoglobin(HbA1c) was found to have the highest sensitivity (83%; 95% CI 62 to100) in the diagnosis of CFRD. The combination of an abnormal randomblood glucose and/or abnormal HbA1c and/or symptoms of hyperglycaemiaor weight loss was found to have the highest sensitivity (92%; 95% CI76 to 100) in the diagnosis of CFRD. The specificity of thiscombination in the diagnosis of CFRD was 79% (95% CI 70 to 88). Byselectively performing OGTTs in patients with one or more of thecriteria cited above, 11 of the 12 patients with OGTT defined diabetes would have been identified.
CONCLUSIONS—Patientswith cystic fibrosis already have to undergo a large number of routineinvestigations. The selective approach in performing OGTTs describedhere has the potential to identify the majority of patients with CFRDwithout the need to perform this investigation on all patients. Thisapproach is likely to be welcomed by patients and will lead tosignificant savings in terms of time and resources for patients andstaff. Further larger studies are warranted to validate this selectiveapproach in the diagnosis of CFRD.

机译:背景技术随着囊性纤维化患者寿命的延长,与囊性纤维化相关的糖尿病(CFRD)也变得越来越普遍。 CFRD的诊断很重要,因为其发展可能导致临床恶化,并可能通过治疗逆转。口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)是诊断CFRD的首选方法,但是对所有患者进行OGTT不仅给患者带来不便,而且对工作人员的劳动强度很大。这项研究的目的是基于临床和生化指标的组合,确定在进行CFG诊断中进行OGTT时更具选择性的方法。
结果-8月之间1996年和1997年5月,有122位患者符合研究条件,其中91位患者谁同意参加。正常,受损,糖尿病患者的葡萄糖耐量分别为58(64%),21(23%)和12(13%),分别。单独使用时,糖基化血红蛋白异常(HbA1c)的灵敏度最高(83%; 95%CI 62 to100)在CFRD的诊断中。组合异常随机血糖和/或异常HbA1c和/或高血糖症状或体重减轻被认为具有最高的敏感性(92%; 95%CI76至100)在CFRD的诊断中。这个的特异性联合用药对CFRD的诊断率为79%(95%CI为70至88)。通过在患有以下一种或多种疾病的患者中选择性进行OGTT:按照上述标准,在OGTT定义的12例糖尿病患者中,有11例已经确定。



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