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Genomics-based diversity analysis of Vanilla species using a Vanilla planifolia draft genome and Genotyping-By-Sequencing




Demand for all-natural vanilla flavor is increasing, but its botanical source, Vanilla planifolia, faces critical challenges arising from a narrow germplasm base and supply limitations. Genomics tools are the key to overcoming these limitations by enabling advanced genetics and plant breeding for new cultivars with improved yield and quality. The objective of this work was to establish the genomic resources needed to facilitate analysis of diversity among Vanilla accessions and to provide a resource to analyze other Vanilla collections. A V. planifolia draft genome was assembled and used to identify 521,732 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS). The draft genome had a size of  2.20 Gb representing 97% of the estimated genome size. A filtered set of 5,082 SNPs was used to genotype a living collection of 112 Vanilla accessions from 23 species including native Florida species. Principal component analysis of the genetic distances, population structure, and the maternally inherited rbcL gene identified putative hybrids, misidentified accessions, significant diversity within V. planifolia, and evidence for 12 clusters that separate accessions by species. These results validate the efficiency of genomics-based tools to characterize and identify genetic diversity in Vanilla and provide a significant tool for genomics-assisted plant breeding.
机译:对纯天然香草香精的需求正在增加,但其植物来源香草蓝叶香草由于种质基础狭窄和供应受限而面临严峻挑战。基因组学工具是克服这些局限性的关键,它可以为产量高,品质高的新品种提供高级遗传学和植物育种。这项工作的目的是建立必要的基因组资源,以促进分析香草品种之间的多样性,并提供分析其他香草品种的资源。装配了V.planifolia草稿基因组,并使用基因分型-依测序(GBS)鉴定了521,732个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)标记。基因组草案的大小为2.20 Gb,占估计基因组大小的97%。使用5,082个SNP的过滤集对来自23种物种(包括佛罗里达州的本地物种)的112种香草种的活体集合进行基因分型。对遗传距离,种群结构和母本遗传的rbcL基因进行主成分分析,确定了假定的杂种,错误识别的种质,计划葡萄中的显着多样性,以及12种按物种区分种质的簇的证据。这些结果验证了基于基因组学的工具表征和鉴定香草中遗传多样性的效率,并为基因组学辅助的植物育种提供了重要工具。



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