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Mechanism of rift flank uplift and escarpment formation evidenced by Western Ghats India




The Western Ghats is one of the largest escarpments on earth, containing Reunion plume derived Deccan Traps, it is an excellent example to probe epeirogenic uplift, extension and subsidence in volcanic continental margins. The most continuous unbiased stratigraphic section of basalt down to the basement within a 1250 m drill hole of the Continental Scientific Deep Drilling Project is a valuable resource to investigate the above aspects. The flows across the entire drill core are geologically subaerial in character with basement exposed ~300 m below the mean sea level; they clearly display more evolved compositions from primary melts of mantle in terms of petrology, and only a single geomagnetic polarity transition in palaeomagnetic data. These results, combined with existing geological and geophysical data, constitute a multi-method approach that demonstrates (a) igneous underplating caused uplift prior to frequently suggested flexural isostasy (b) plume impact and eruption are near-simultaneous and extension/rifting essentially followed soon after volcanism and (c) lithosphere beneath the continental margin, while returning to normal temperatures following the Seychelles-India breakup, experienced thermal collapse and subsidence causing slumping of basalt basement below sea level.
机译:西高止山脉是地球上最大的悬崖之一,其中包含来自团聚的羽状Deccan陷阱,它是探测火山大陆边缘的成因隆起,扩张和下沉的绝佳实例。 Continental Scientific Deep Drilling Project的1250 m钻孔中,直到地下室的玄武岩最连续的无偏地层剖面都是研究上述方面的宝贵资源。整个钻芯的流动具有地质上的地下特征,地下室暴露在平均海平面以下约300μm处。在岩石学方面,它们清楚地显示了地幔初生熔岩演化的成分,而在古地磁数据中只有一个地磁极性跃迁。这些结果与现有的地质和地球物理数据相结合,构成了一种多方法的方法,该方法证明了(a)火成岩垫下引起的隆起,然后才经常出现弯曲等静线(b)羽流的撞击和喷发几乎是同时发生的,并且基本上很快就会进行伸展/裂谷在火山活动和(c)大陆边缘以下的岩石圈之后,尽管塞舌尔-印度破裂后恢复到正常温度,但经历了热崩塌和沉陷,导致海平面以下的玄武岩基底塌陷。



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