首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Thorax >Clinical significance of respiratory bronchiolitis on open lungbiopsy and its relationship to smoking related interstitial lungdisease

Clinical significance of respiratory bronchiolitis on open lungbiopsy and its relationship to smoking related interstitial lungdisease




BACKGROUND—Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease (RBILD) is a rare form of interstitial lung disease which may present in similar fashion to other types of chronic interstitial pneumonia. The purpose of this study was to undertake a clinicopathological review of 10 patients with RBILD and to examine the clinical and imaging data related to its histopathological pattern, in particular the relationship of RBILD to smoking.
METHODS—Thirteen out of 168 retrospectively reviewed patients, from whom biopsy specimens were taken for suspected diffuse lung disease, were identified with a histopathological pattern of RBILD. Three cases were rejected as follow up data were unavailable. The 10remaining cases constituted the study group and both clinical and imaging data were collected from patients' notes and referring physicians.
RESULTS—Histopathologically, four cases of RBILD overlapped with the pattern of desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (DIP) and nine also had microscopic evidence of centrilobular emphysema. Nine patients were smokers, ranging from 3 to 80 pack years. The one non-smoker had an occupational exposure to the fumes of solder flux. The sex distribution was equal with an agerange of 32-65 years. Two patients were clubbed. Lung function testsshowed both restrictive and obstructive patterns together with severereductions in carbon monoxide transfer factor in seven patients. Chestradiographs showed reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates in fivepatients and a ground glass pattern in two. CT scans were consistentwith either DIP or RBILD in six of eight patients. Although sevenpatients remained stable or improved, either with or without treatment, three patients deteriorated.
CONCLUSIONS—This studyadds weight to the hypothesis that smoking can cause clinicallysignificant interstitial lung disease, with deterioration in pulmonaryfunction despite treatment. Given the overlapping histopathologicalpatterns of RBILD and DIP and their strong association with smoking,the term "smoking related interstitial lung disease" is suggestedfor those patients who are smokers.

方法-回顾性分析168名患者中的13名复查的患者,其活检标本为疑似弥漫性肺部疾病,其病理组织学特征为RBILD。由于没有随访数据,三例被拒绝。剩下的10个病例组成了研究组,并从患者的笔记和转诊医生那里收集了临床和影像学数据。中央小叶气肿的微观证据。九名患者是吸烟者,年龄在3至80包年之间。一名不吸烟者在职业上接触过助焊剂烟雾。性别分布与年龄相等范围是32-65岁。两名患者被棍打。肺功能测试表现出限制性和阻塞性模式以及严重减少了七例患者的一氧化碳转移因子。胸部X线片显示5处网状或网状海绵状浸润患者和有毛玻璃图案的有两种。 CT扫描是一致的8例患者中有6例采用DIP或RBILD治疗。虽然七病人保持稳定或好转,无论是否接受治疗,三名病人恶化。



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