首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Pollinator responses to floral colour change nectar and scent promote reproductive fitness in Quisqualis indica (Combretaceae)

Pollinator responses to floral colour change nectar and scent promote reproductive fitness in Quisqualis indica (Combretaceae)




Floral colour change is visual signals for pollinators to avoid old flowers and increase pollination efficiency. Quisqualis indica flowers change colour from white to pink to red may be associated with a shift from moth to butterfly pollination. To test this hypothesis, we investigated Q. indica populations in Southwest China. Flowers secreted nectar continuously from the evening of anthesis until the following morning, then decreased gradually with floral colour change. The scent compounds in the three floral colour stages were similar; however, the scent composition was different, and the scent emission rate decreased from the white to red stage. Dichogamy in Q. indica prevents self-pollination and interference of male and female functions. Controlled pollinations demonstrated that this species is self-incompatible and needs pollinators for seed production. Different pollinators were attracted in each floral colour stage; mainly moths at night and bees and butterflies during the day. Observations of open-pollinated inflorescences showed that white flowers had a higher fruit set than pink or red flowers, indicating the high contribution of moths to reproductive success. We concluded that the nectar and scent secretion are related to floral colour change in Q. indica, in order to attract different pollinators and promote reproductive fitness.
机译:花卉颜色的变化是传粉媒介的视觉信号,可以避免过时的花朵并提高授粉效率。 s藜花的颜色从白色变为粉红色再变为红色,可能与从蛾到蝴蝶授粉的转变有关。为了验证这一假设,我们调查了中国西南地区的Q稻种群。花从花期晚上到第二天早晨连续分泌花蜜,然后随着花色的变化逐渐减少。这三个花色阶段的气味化合物相似。但是,香气成分不同,并且香气排放率从白色阶段降低到红色阶段。印度Q藜中的双歧杆菌可防止自花授粉和对雄性和雌性功能的干扰。受控授粉表明该物种是自交不亲和的,需要授粉媒介进行种子生产。每个花色阶段都吸引了不同的授粉媒介;主要是夜间飞蛾,白天是蜜蜂和蝴蝶。开放授粉的花序的观察表明,白花的结实度高于粉红色或红色的花,表明蛾对繁殖成功的贡献很大。我们得出结论,为了吸引不同的传粉媒介并促进生殖健康,印度Q的花蜜和气味的分泌与花色的变化有关。



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