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Satellite tagging of Mediterranean fin whales: working towards the identification of critical habitats and the focussing of mitigation measures




Mediterranean fin whales comprise a genetically distinct population, listed as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List. Collisions with vessels are believed to represent the main cause of human-induced mortality. The identification of critical habitats (including migration routes) incorporating satellite telemetry data is therefore crucial to develop focussed conservation efforts. Between 2012 and 2015 thirteen fin whales were equipped with satellite transmitters, 8 in the Pelagos Sanctuary (although two ceased within two days) and 5 in the Strait of Sicily, to evaluate movements and habitat use. A hierarchical switching state-space model was used to identify transiting and area-restricted search (ARS) behaviours, believed to indicate foraging activities. All whales undertook mid- to long-distance migrations, crossing some of the world’s busiest maritime routes. Areas where the animals predominantly engaged in ARS behaviour were identified in both study areas. The telemetry data were compared with results from ecosystem niche modelling, and showed that 80% of tagged whale positions was near (<7 km) the closest suitable habitat. The results contribute to the view that precautionary management should include establishment of a coordinated and dynamic basin-wide management scheme; if appropriate, this may include the establishment of protected areas by specific regional Conventions.
机译:地中海长须鲸由遗传上不同的种群组成,在世界自然保护联盟红色名录中被列为弱势群体(VU)。人们认为,与船只的碰撞是造成人类死亡的主要原因。因此,结合卫星遥测数据来识别关键栖息地(包括迁徙路线)对于开展重点保护工作至关重要。在2012年至2015年期间,有13头鲸鱼配备了卫星发射器,以评估Pelagos保护区中的8头鲸鱼(虽然两架在两天内停止运行)和西西里海峡中的5头,以评估移动和栖息地使用情况。使用分层切换状态空间模型来识别过境和区域限制搜索(ARS)行为,据信这表明了觅食活动。所有的鲸鱼都进行了中长途迁移,穿越了世界上一些最繁忙的海上航线。在两个研究区域都确定了动物主要从事ARS行为的区域。将遥测数据与生态系统生态位建模的结果进行了比较,结果表明,标记鲸鱼位置的80%位于最接近的合适栖息地附近(<7 km)。结果有助于认为预防性管理应包括建立一个协调和动态的全流域管理计划;在适当的情况下,这可能包括通过特定的区域公约建立保护区。



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