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Opportunistic random searcher versus intentional search image user




We consider two types of optimal foragers: a random searcher and a search image user. A search image user can find its desired prey with higher and undesired prey with lower probability than a random searcher. Our model considers the density-dependent travelling time and the time duration of reproduction (oviposition). In the framework of optimal foraging theory for one predator–two prey systems, we find that there are ranges of prey densities in which the search image user has a higher net energy intake, and there are other ranges of prey densities in which the random searcher has higher net energy intake. The damsel bug Nabis pseudoferus Remane (Hemiptera: Nabidae) is a generalist predator rather than an omnivore. This species has a wide range of arthropod prey (predominantly insects and mites). Several aspects of the biology of this species have been studied, especially its cannibalistic behaviour, which is a quite important feature because N. pseudoferus is often used as a biological control agent against lepidopteran pests in greenhouse crops. Experimentally, we found that Nabis is a search image user in the above sense.
机译:我们考虑两种类型的最佳觅食者:随机搜索者和搜索图像用户。搜索图像用户可以以比随机搜索者低的概率找到具有更高和不期望的猎物的期望猎物。我们的模型考虑了密度相关的传播时间和繁殖(产卵)的持续时间。在一个捕食者-两个猎物系统的最佳觅食理论的框架中,我们发现,搜索图像用户具有较高的净能量摄入的猎物密度范围,而随机搜索者存在的其他猎物密度范围具有较高的净能量摄入。年轻的小虫Nabis pseudoferus Remane(半翅目:Nabidae)是多面手捕食者,而不是杂食动物。这个物种有各种各样的节肢动物猎物(主要是昆虫和螨虫)。已经对该物种的生物学的几个方面进行了研究,尤其是其食人行为,这是一个非常重要的特征,因为伪fer.Nus经常被用作温室作物中鳞翅目害虫的生物防治剂。从实验上,我们发现Nabis在上述意义上是搜索图像用户。



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