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Dissecting the current caesarean section rate in Shanghai China




The high caesarean section (CS) rate has been of great public concern around the world. Yet, large-scale studies of dissecting such a high CS rate are few in the Chinese population. We carried out a cross-sectional survey randomly selecting 10,855 births from 20 hospitals in Shanghai from January to June, 2016. Labor and delivery information was extracted from medical records. The Robson classification system for CS was used to classify all women into ten groups. The overall CS rate was 41.5%. Prelabor CS in nulliparous, term singleton vertex women was the predominant contributor (37.4%) to the total CS and accounted for the second highest proportion of total births (15.5%) in all hospital types. The vast majority of women with a previous CS had a repeat CS (96.6%). CS rate was still high in Shanghai. Nulliparous women in low risk and having CS before labour, often without any medical indication, was a major contributor to the high CS rate.
机译:剖腹产(CS)的高比率已引起全世界公众的广泛关注。然而,在中国人口中,很少有人进行如此高的CS率剖析的大规模研究。 2016年1月至2016年6月,我们从上海的20家医院中随机抽取了10855名婴儿进行横断面调查。从医疗记录中提取了分娩和分娩信息。 CS的Robson分类系统用于将所有女性分为十组。总体CS率为41.5%。在未产,足月单身妇女中,分娩前CS是总CS的主要贡献者(37.4%),在所有医院类型中占总分娩的第二高比例(15.5%)。先前患有CS的绝大多数女性重复CS(96.6%)。上海的CS率仍然很高。低风险且分娩前患有CS且通常没有任何医学指征的无核妇女是CS发生率高的主要原因。



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