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Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation




Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different eruptive phenomena with the sea. Such tsunamis are a major hazard, but forward models of their impacts are limited by poor understanding of source mechanisms. The caldera-forming eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age is known to have been tsunamigenic, and caldera collapse has been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we present bathymetric and seismic evidence showing that the caldera was not open to the sea during the main phase of the eruption, but was flooded once the eruption had finished. Inflow of water and associated landsliding cut a deep, 2.0–2.5 km3, submarine channel, thus filling the caldera in less than a couple of days. If, as at most such volcanoes, caldera collapse occurred syn-eruptively, then it cannot have generated tsunamis. Entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea, combined with slumping of submarine pyroclastic accumulations, were the main mechanisms of tsunami production.
机译:岛屿火山爆发的火山口喷发是通过不同的喷发现象与海洋的相互作用而产生的海啸。此类海啸是主要危害,但由于对源机制的了解不足,因此其影响的前瞻性模型受到限制。已知在青铜时代晚期的圣托里尼火山口形成火山爆发是海啸致死的,火山口塌陷被认为是一种机制。在这里,我们提供的水深和地震证据表明,火山喷发在火山喷发的主要阶段并未向海开放,但在火山喷发结束后被淹没了。水的流入和相关的滑坡切割了一条深达2.0–2.5?km 3 的海底通道,从而在不到两天的时间内填满了破火山口。如果像至多这样的火山一样,火山口坍塌是同时发生的,那么它就不可能产生海啸。火山碎屑流进入海洋,再加上海底火山碎屑堆积物的减少,是海啸生产的主要机制。



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