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Accelerating the Development of 21st-Century Toxicology: Outcome of a Human Toxicology Project Consortium Workshop




The U.S. National Research Council (NRC) report on “Toxicity Testing in the 21st century” calls for a fundamental shift in the way that chemicals are tested for human health effects and evaluated in risk assessments. The new approach would move toward in vitro methods, typically using human cells in a high-throughput context. The in vitro methods would be designed to detect significant perturbations to “toxicity pathways,” i.e., key biological pathways that, when sufficiently perturbed, lead to adverse health outcomes. To explore progress on the report’s implementation, the Human Toxicology Project Consortium hosted a workshop on 9–10 November 2010 in Washington, DC. The Consortium is a coalition of several corporations, a research institute, and a non-governmental organization dedicated to accelerating the implementation of 21st-century Toxicology as aligned with the NRC vision. The goal of the workshop was to identify practical and scientific ways to accelerate implementation of the NRC vision. The workshop format consisted of plenary presentations, breakout group discussions, and concluding commentaries. The program faculty was drawn from industry, academia, government, and public interest organizations. Most presentations summarized ongoing efforts to modernize toxicology testing and approaches, each with some overlap with the NRC vision. In light of these efforts, the workshop identified recommendations for accelerating implementation of the NRC vision, including greater strategic coordination and planning across projects (facilitated by a steering group), the development of projects that test the proof of concept for implementation of the NRC vision, and greater outreach and communication across stakeholder communities.
机译:美国国家研究委员会(NRC)关于“ 21世纪的毒性测试”的报告呼吁从根本上改变化学物质对人类健康的影响并在风险评估中进行评估的方法。新方法将转向体外方法,通常在高通量情况下使用人类细胞。体外方法应设计为检测对“毒性途径”(即关键的生物途径)的显着扰动,当充分扰动时会导致不良的健康后果。为了探索该报告的实施进展,人类毒理学项目联盟于2010年11月9日至10日在华盛顿特区举办了一个研讨会。该联盟是由多家公司,一个研究机构和一个非政府组织组成的联盟,致力于按照NRC的愿景加快21世纪毒理学的实施。讲习班的目的是确定加速NRC愿景实施的实用和科学方法。研讨会形式包括全体会议介绍,分组讨论和总结评论。该计划的教师来自行业,学术界,政府和公共利益组织。大多数演讲总结了正在进行的使毒理学测试和方法现代化的努力,每项工作都与NRC的愿景有些重叠。鉴于这些努力,讲习班确定了加快实施NRC愿景的建议,包括在各个项目中加强战略协调和计划(由指导小组协助),开发项目以测试NRC愿景的概念验证,并在利益相关者社区之间进行更好的宣传和交流。



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