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The Effects of Maternal Exposure to Bisphenol A on Allergic Lung Inflammation into Adulthood




Bisphenol A (BPA) is a high–production volume chemical classified as an environmental estrogen and used primarily in the plastics industry. BPA’s increased usage correlates with rising BPA levels in people and a corresponding increase in the incidence of asthma. Due to limited studies, the contribution of maternal BPA exposure to allergic asthma pathogenesis is unclear. Using two established mouse models of allergic asthma, we examined whether developmental exposure to BPA alters hallmarks of allergic lung inflammation in adult offspring. Pregnant C57BL/6 dams were gavaged with 0, 0.5, 5, 50, or 500 μg BPA/kg/day from gestational day 6 until postnatal day 21. To induce allergic inflammation, adult offspring were mucosally sensitized with inhaled ovalbumin containing low-dose lipopolysaccharide or ip sensitized using ovalbumin with alum followed by ovalbumin aerosol challenge. In the mucosal sensitization model, female offspring that were maternally exposed to ≥ 50 μg BPA/kg/day displayed enhanced airway lymphocytic and lung inflammation, compared with offspring of control dams. Peritoneally sensitized, female offspring exposed to ≤ 50 μg BPA/kg/day presented dampened lung eosinophilia, compared with vehicle controls. Male offspring did not exhibit these differences in either sensitization model. Our data demonstrate that maternal exposure to BPA has subtle and qualitatively different effects on allergic inflammation, which are critically dependent upon route of allergen sensitization and sex. However, these subtle, yet persistent changes due to developmental exposure to BPA did not lead to significant differences in overall airway responsiveness, suggesting that early life exposure to BPA does not exacerbate allergic inflammation into adulthood.
机译:双酚A(BPA)是一种高产量化学品,被归类为环境雌激素,主要用于塑料行业。 BPA使用量的增加与人们BPA水平的升高以及哮喘发病率的相应增加有关。由于研究有限,母体BPA暴露对过敏性哮喘发病机制的贡献尚不清楚。使用已建立的两种过敏性哮喘小鼠模型,我们检查了发育性暴露于BPA是否会改变成年后代过敏性肺部炎症的标志。从妊娠第6天到出生后第21天,每天给怀孕的C57BL / 6母鼠灌胃0、0.5、5、50或500μgBPA / kg / kg。为诱导过敏性炎症,对成年后代进行黏膜致敏,吸入低剂量的卵清蛋白脂多糖或ip用卵白蛋白与明矾敏化,然后用卵白蛋白气溶胶激发。在粘膜致敏模型中,母体暴露于≥50μgBPA / kg / day的雌性后代与对照大坝的后代相比,其气道淋巴细胞和肺部炎症增强。与媒介物对照相比,暴露于≤50μgBPA / kg /天的腹膜致敏雌性后代表现出减弱的肺嗜酸性粒细胞增多。雄性后代在任何一种致敏模型中均未表现出这些差异。我们的数据表明,孕产妇接触BPA对过敏性炎症具有微妙的和质上不同的影响,这主要取决于过敏原的致敏途径和性别。但是,由于发育过程中接触BPA而引起的这些细微而持久的变化并未导致总体气道反应性出现显着差异,这表明生命早期接触BPA不会使过敏性炎症恶化至成年期。



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