首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicological Sciences >Developmental Exposure to Concentrated Ambient Ultrafine Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Mice Results in Persistent and Sex-Dependent Behavioral Neurotoxicity and Glial Activation

Developmental Exposure to Concentrated Ambient Ultrafine Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Mice Results in Persistent and Sex-Dependent Behavioral Neurotoxicity and Glial Activation




The brain appears to be a target of air pollution. This study aimed to further ascertain behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of our previously observed preference for immediate reward (Allen, J. L., Conrad, K., Oberdorster, G., Johnston, C. J., Sleezer, B., and Cory-Slechta, D. A. (2013). Developmental exposure to concentrated ambient particles and preference for immediate reward in mice. Environ. Health Perspect. 121, 32–38), a phenotype consistent with impulsivity, in mice developmentally exposed to inhaled ultrafine particles. It examined the impact of postnatal and/or adult concentrated ambient ultrafine particles (CAPS) or filtered air on another behavior thought to reflect impulsivity, Fixed interval (FI) schedule-controlled performance, and extended the assessment to learning/memory (novel object recognition (NOR)), and locomotor activity to assist in understanding behavioral mechanisms of action. In addition, levels of brain monoamines and amino acids, and markers of glial presence and activation (GFAP, IBA-1) were assessed in mesocorticolimbic brain regions mediating these cognitive functions. This design produced four treatment groups/sex of postnatal/adult exposure: Air/Air, Air/CAPS, CAPS/Air, and CAPS/CAPS. FI performance was adversely influenced by CAPS/Air in males, but by Air/CAPS in females, effects that appeared to reflect corresponding changes in brain mesocorticolimbic dopamine/glutamate systems that mediate FI performance. Both sexes showed impaired short-term memory on the NOR. Mechanistically, cortical and hippocampal changes in amino acids raised the potential for excitotoxicity, and persistent glial activation was seen in frontal cortex and corpus callosum of both sexes. Collectively, neurodevelopment and/or adulthood CAPS can produce enduring and sex-dependent neurotoxicity. Although mechanisms of these effects remain to be fully elucidated, findings suggest that neurodevelopment and/or adulthood air pollution exposure may represent a significant underexplored risk factor for central nervous system diseases/disorders and thus a significant public health threat even beyond current appreciation.
机译:大脑似乎是空气污染的目标。这项研究旨在进一步确定我们先前观察到的对立即奖励的偏爱的行为和神经生物学机制(Allen,JL,Conrad,K.,Oberdorster,G.,Johnston,CJ,Sleezer,B.,and Cory-Slechta,DA(2013 )。暴露于浓缩的环境颗粒的发育发育期小鼠,以及对立即获得奖励的偏爱(Environ。Health Perspect。121,32–38),一种与冲动性相一致的表型,在发育中暴露于吸入超细颗粒的小鼠中。它检查了产后和/或成人集中的环境超细颗粒(CAPS)或过滤后的空气对另一种行为的影响,这些行为被认为反映了冲动性,固定间隔(FI)进度控制的性能,并将评估范围扩展到学习/记忆(新物体识别) (NOR))和运动活动来帮助理解行为的行为机制。此外,在介导这些认知功能的中皮质皮质性脑区域中评估了大脑单胺和氨基酸的水平,以及神经胶质存在和激活的标志物(GFAP,IBA-1)。该设计产生了四个治疗组/产后/成人接触性:空气/空气,空气/ CAPS,CAPS /空气和CAPS / CAPS。男性的CAPS / Air对FI表现有不利影响,但女性的Air / CAPS对FI表现有不利影响,这种作用似乎反映了介导FI表现的大脑中皮质糖脂多巴胺/谷氨酸系统的相应变化。男女在NOR上的短期记忆均受损。从机制上讲,氨基酸的皮质和海马变化增加了兴奋性毒性的可能性,并且在男女的额叶皮层和体中均观察到持续的神经胶质活化。集体地,神经发育和/或成年CAPS可产生持久的和性别依赖性的神经毒性。尽管这些作用的机制尚待充分阐明,但研究结果表明,神经发育和/或成年后的空气污染暴露可能是中枢神经系统疾病/失调的重大未充分开发的危险因素,因此,即使超出当前的评估水平,也构成了重大的公共健康威胁。



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