首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Rejuvenation Research >NT-020 a Natural Therapeutic Approach to Optimize Spatial Memory Performance and Increase Neural Progenitor Cell Proliferation and Decrease Inflammation in the Aged Rat

NT-020 a Natural Therapeutic Approach to Optimize Spatial Memory Performance and Increase Neural Progenitor Cell Proliferation and Decrease Inflammation in the Aged Rat




The process of aging is linked to oxidative stress, microglial activation, and proinflammatory factors, which are known to decrease cell proliferation and limit neuroplasticity. These factors may lead the transition from normal aging to more severe cognitive dysfunction associated with neurodegenerative diseases. We have shown that natural compounds such as polyphenols from blueberry and green tea and amino acids like carnosine are high in antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity that decreases the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS), in the blood, brain, and other tissues of the body. Furthermore, we have shown that the combination of these nutrients (called NT-020) creates a synergistic effect that promotes the proliferation of stem cells in vitro and in vivo. In the current study, we examined the effects of NT-020 on neurogenesis and performance on a Morris water maze (MWM). Aged (20-month-old) male Fischer 344 rats were treated with 135.0 mg/kg per day (n = 13) of NT-020. Young (3-month-old) (n = 10) and aged (20-month-old) (n = 13) control male Fischer 344 rats were treated with water by oral gavage. All groups were treated for a period of 4 weeks. Although there was no difference in performance in the MWM when comparing all aged rats, when the data for aged impaired rats were compared, there was a significant difference between groups on the last day of training with the treatment group performing better than controls. Using the cell cycle–regulating protein (Ki67), doublecortin (DCX), and OX6 antibody markers, cell proliferation, neurogenesis, and microglial activation were estimated in the dentate gyrus (DG) of young and aged animals. Cell proliferation was also examined in the subventricular zone (SVZ). A decreased number of OX6 MHC II–positive cells, increased neurogenesis, and increased number of proliferating cells were found in rats treated with NT-020 in comparison with aged control rats. In sum, NT-020 may promote health, proliferation, and maintenance of neurons in the age animals and exert antiinflammatory actions that promote function in the aged stem cell niche.
机译:衰老过程与氧化应激,小胶质细胞活化和促炎因子有关,已知这些因子会减少细胞增殖并限制神经可塑性。这些因素可能导致从正常衰老过渡到与神经退行性疾病相关的更严重的认知功能障碍。我们已经证明,天然化合物(例如来自蓝莓和绿茶的多酚)和氨基酸(如肌肽)具有很高的抗氧化和抗炎活性,可降低血液,大脑和其他组织中活性氧(ROS)的破坏作用。身体。此外,我们已经表明,这些营养素的组合(称为NT-020)产生了协同作用,可促进干细胞在体外和体内的增殖。在当前的研究中,我们检查了NT-020对莫里斯水迷宫(MWM)的神经发生和性能的影响。对成年(20个月大)雄性Fischer 344大鼠进行每日135.0μg/ kg的NT-020处理(n = 13)。将年轻(3个月大)(n = 10)和年龄大(20个月大(n = 13))的对照组Fischer 344大鼠通过管饲法用水处理。所有组均治疗4周。尽管在比较所有老年大鼠时MWM的性能无差异,但在比较老年受损大鼠的数据时,训练的最后一天两组之间存在显着差异,治疗组的表现优于对照组。使用细胞周期调节蛋白(Ki67),双皮质素(DCX)和OX6抗体标记,可以估计幼年和老年动物的齿状回(DG)的细胞增殖,神经发生和小胶质细胞活化。还检查了脑室下区域(SVZ)的细胞增殖。与老年对照组大鼠相比,用NT-020治疗的大鼠发现OX6 MHC II阳性细胞数量减少,神经发生增加和增殖细胞数量增加。总之,NT-020可以促进老年动物神经元的健康,增殖和维持,并发挥抗炎作用,从而促进老年干细胞生态位的功能。



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