首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings. Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences >Effects on a Landau-type system for a neutral particle with no permanent electric dipole moment subject to the Kratzer potential in a rotating frame

Effects on a Landau-type system for a neutral particle with no permanent electric dipole moment subject to the Kratzer potential in a rotating frame




The behaviour of a neutral particle (atom, molecule) with an induced electric dipole moment in a region with a uniform effective magnetic field under the influence of the Kratzer potential (Kratzer 1920 Z. Phys. >3, 289–307. ()), and rotating effects is analysed. It is shown that the degeneracy of the Landau-type levels is broken and the angular frequency of the system acquires a new contribution that stems from the rotation effects. Moreover, in the search for bound state solutions, it is shown that the possible values of this angular frequency of the system are determined by the quantum numbers associated with the radial modes and the angular momentum, the angular velocity of the rotating frame and by the parameters associated with the Kratzer potential.
机译:在Kratzer势的影响下,具有均匀感应磁场的中性粒子(原子,分子)在有效磁场中的行为(Kratzer 1920 Z. Phys。> 3 ,289) –307。()),然后分析旋转效果。结果表明,Landau型能级的简并性被打破,系统的角频率获得了来自旋转效应的新贡献。此外,在寻找束缚态解时,表明系统的该角频率的可能值由与径向模式和角动量有关的量子数,旋转框架的角速度以及由与Kratzer势相关的参数。



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