首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Experimental Botany >Evolutionarily distinct strategies for the acquisition of inorganic carbon from seawater in marine diatoms

Evolutionarily distinct strategies for the acquisition of inorganic carbon from seawater in marine diatoms




The acquisition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in CO2-limited seawater is a central issue to understand in marine primary production. We previously demonstrated the occurrence of direct HCO3 uptake by solute carrier (SLC) 4 transporters in a diatom, a major marine primary producer. Homologs of SLC are found in both centric and pennate marine diatoms, suggesting that SLC transporters are generally conserved. Here, the generality of SLC-mediated DIC uptake in diatoms was examined using an SLC inhibitor, diisothiocyano-2,2ʹ-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS), and an inhibitor of external carbonic anhydrase, acetazolamide. DIDS suppressed high-DIC-affinity photosynthesis in the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the centric diatom Chaetoceros muelleri, but there was no effect on either the pennate Cylindrotheca fusiformis or the centric Thalassiosira pseudonana. Interestingly, the DIC affinity of DIDS-insensitive strains was sensitive to treatment with up to 100 μM acetazolamide, displaying a 2–4-fold increase in K0.5[DIC]. In contrast, acetazolamide did not affect the DIDS-sensitive group. These results indicate the occurrence of two distinct strategies for DIC uptake—one primarily facilitated by SLC and the other being passive CO2 entry facilitated by external carbonic anhydrase. The phylogenetic independence of these strategies suggests that environmental demands drove the evolution of distinct DIC uptake mechanisms in diatoms.
机译:在二氧化碳限制的海水中获取溶解的无机碳(DIC)是海洋初级生产中要理解的中心问题。我们先前证明了主要海洋初级生产者硅藻中溶质载体(SLC)4转运蛋白直接摄取HCO3 的情况。 SLC的同系物存在于中枢和三角海藻硅藻中,表明SLC转运蛋白通常是保守的。在此,使用SLC抑制剂二异硫氰基-2,2′-二苯乙烯二磺酸(DIDS)和外部碳酸酐酶抑制剂乙酰唑酰胺检查了硅藻中SLC介导的DIC吸收的普遍性。 DIDS抑制了三棱形硅藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)和中心硅藻Chaetoceros muelleri的高DIC亲和性光合作用,但对半边梭状藻Cylindrotheca fusiformis或中枢Thalassiosira pseudonana均没有影响。有趣的是,对DIDS不敏感的菌株的DIC亲和力对高达100μM的乙酰唑胺处理很敏感,显示K0.5 [DIC]增加了2-4倍。相反,乙酰唑胺不影响DIDS敏感基团。这些结果表明发生了两种不同的DIC吸收策略-一种主要是通过SLC促进的,另一种是外部碳酸酐酶促进的被动CO2的进入。这些策略的系统发育独立性表明,环境需求推动了硅藻中独特的DIC吸收机制的发展。



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