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Evolution of the Globin Gene Family in Deuterostomes: Lineage-Specific Patterns of Diversification and Attrition




In the Metazoa, globin proteins display an underlying unity in tertiary structure that belies an extraordinary diversity in primary structures, biochemical properties, and physiological functions. Phylogenetic reconstructions can reveal which of these functions represent novel, lineage-specific innovations, and which represent ancestral functions that are shared with homologous globin proteins in other eukaryotes and even prokaryotes. To date, our understanding of globin diversity in deuterostomes has been hindered by a dearth of genomic sequence data from the Ambulacraria (echinoderms + hemichordates), the sister group of chordates, and the phylum Xenacoelomorpha, which includes xenoturbellids, acoelomorphs, and nemertodermatids. Here, we report the results of a phylogenetic and comparative genomic analysis of the globin gene repertoire of deuterostomes. We first characterized the globin genes of the acorn worm, Saccoglossus kowalevskii, a representative of the phylum Hemichordata. We then integrated genomic sequence data from the acorn worm into a comprehensive analysis of conserved synteny and phylogenetic relationships among globin genes from representatives of the eight lineages that comprise the superphylum Deuterostomia. The primary aims were 1) to unravel the evolutionary history of the globin gene superfamily in deuterostomes and 2) to use the estimated phylogeny to gain insights into the functional evolution of deuterostome globins. Results of our analyses indicate that the deuterostome common ancestor possessed a repertoire of at least four distinct globin paralogs and that different subsets of these ancestral genes have been retained in each of the descendant organismal lineages. In each major deuterostome group, a different subset of ancestral precursor genes underwent lineage-specific expansions of functional diversity through repeated rounds of gene duplication and divergence. By integrating results of the phylogenetic analysis with available functional data, we discovered that circulating oxygen-transport hemoglobins evolved independently in several deuterostome lineages and that intracellular nerve globins evolved independently in chordates and acoelomorph worms.
机译:在后生动物中,球蛋白在三级结构中表现出潜在的统一性,掩盖了一级结构,生化特性和生理功能方面的非同寻常的多样性。系统发育重建可以揭示这些功能中的哪些代表新颖的,谱系特异性的创新,以及哪些祖先的功能与其他真核生物甚至原核生物中的同源珠蛋白共享。迄今为止,由于缺乏Ambulacraria(棘皮动物+半草酸盐),姊妹弦类和Xenacoelomorpha门类(包括异兽皮类,变形类和线虫类)的基因组序列数据的缺乏,阻碍了我们对氘化口琴中球蛋白多样性的理解。在这里,我们报告氘核口罩的球蛋白基因库的系统发育和比较基因组分析的结果。我们首先表征了橡子蠕虫Saccoglossus kowalevskii(血红素门的代表)的球蛋白基因。然后,我们将来自橡子蠕虫的基因组序列数据整合到对组成超级门扇菌属的八个世系的代表的球蛋白基因之间保守的同构关系和系统发生关系的全面分析中。主要目的是:1)揭示氘吻口球蛋白基因超家族的进化史,以及2)利用估计的系统发育学来了解氘吻口球蛋白功能进化。我们的分析结果表明,氘代共同祖先拥有至少四个不同的球蛋白旁系同源物,并且这些祖先基因的不同子集已保留在每个后代有机体谱系中。在每个主要的氘核吻合器组中,不同的祖先前体子集通过重复的基因复制和发散循环经历了谱系特异性的功能多样性扩展。通过将系统发育分析的结果与可用的功能数据相结合,我们发现循环的氧转运血红蛋白在几个氘化口琴谱系中独立进化,而胞内神经球蛋白在和弦虫和非变形虫中独立进化。



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