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Observing the skies of Lisbon. Isaac de Sequeira Samuda an estrangeirado in the Royal Society

机译:观察里斯本的天空。艾萨克·塞奎拉·萨穆达(Isaac de Sequeira Samuda)皇家学会



Elected in 1723, Isaac de Sequeira Samuda (1681–1729) was the first Jewish Fellow of the Royal Society. He had arrived in London just a few years earlier, escaping from the Portuguese Inquisition. Despite his past, he had no difficulty in establishing links with his country's diplomatic representatives in London. A physician and adviser on scientific subjects, he became a conduit between the emerging world of Portuguese astronomy and the British scientific community. He reported to the Royal Society on astronomical observations made in the new observatories in Lisbon and helped with the acquisition of scientific instruments and books destined for Portugal. These activities were facets of Samuda's unusual career and the diverse though often converging associations that he established until his death. As the member of a network active in the diffusion of new ideas and in the modernization of Portuguese science, Samuda can be regarded as an estrangeirado, as this term has come to be used in the modern literature.
机译:艾萨克·德·塞奎拉·萨穆达(Isaac de Sequeira Samuda,1681-1729年)当选,是皇家学会的第一位犹太人。几年前,他逃离了葡萄牙宗教裁判所,抵达伦敦。尽管有他的过去,但他与该国在伦敦的外交代表建立联系并不困难。作为科学问题的医师和顾问,他成为了新兴的葡萄牙天文学与英国科学界之间的桥梁。他向皇家学会报告了在里斯本新天文台进行的天文观测,并帮助获得了发往葡萄牙的科学仪器和书籍。这些活动是Samuda不寻常的职业的面,也是他死前建立的各种虽然经常融合的协会的方面。作为活跃于新思想传播和葡萄牙科学现代化的网络成员,Samuda可以被视为一种疏远症,因为该术语已在现代文学中使用。



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