首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Medical Genetics >Two sibs with Wolf-Hirschhorn and DiGeorge deletions resulting from an unbalanced chromosome rearrangement 45XX/XY der(4)t(4;22) (p16.3;q11.2) mat-22.

Two sibs with Wolf-Hirschhorn and DiGeorge deletions resulting from an unbalanced chromosome rearrangement 45XX/XY der(4)t(4;22) (p16.3;q11.2) mat-22.

机译:由于不平衡的染色体重排45XX / XYder(4)t(4; 22)(p16.3; q11.2)mat-22而导致的两个具有Wolf-Hirschhorn和DiGeorge缺失的同胞。



A mother with apparently balanced translocation between chromosomes 4 and 22 gave birth to two children (sib 1 and twin A) with 45,XX,der(4)t(4;22) (p16.3;q11.2)mat,-22 and 45,XY,der(4)t(4; 22(p16.3;q11.2)mat,-22 karyotypes. The mother was a slow learner and required special education. The imbalance in the sibs arose through a 3:1 malsegregation in the mother. The net result was deletions 4p16.3pter and 22q11.2pter. Deletion 4p is associated with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS). The 22q11.2 microdeletion is associated with a wide range of overlapping phenotypes including DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), conotruncal facial abnormality, and sporadic or familial cardiac defect. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) was performed. Cosmid probes D4S96, which maps to 4p16.3, and D22S75, which maps to 22q11.2, were used. In the mother, the translocation breakpoints were proximal to D4S96 on chromosome 4 and distal D22S75 on chromosome 22. The two sibs had deletions of a D4S96 and a D22S75 probe loci. Sib 1, a 2 1/2 year old girl, has multiple congenital abnormalities and profound developmental delay. The craniofacial features were generally of WHS. Hypoplasia of the thymus hypocalcaemia, and seizures in early infancy, which are clinical features of DGS, were also observed. Twin A was one of a pair of dizygotic twins. He had multiple congenital abnormalities and died soon after birth.
机译:一位在4号和22号染色体之间明显平衡易位的母亲生了两个孩子(同胞1和双胞胎A),他们的45,XX,der(4)t(4; 22)(p16.3; q11.2)mat,- 22和45,XY,der(4)t(4; 22(p16.3; q11.2)mat,-22核型。母亲学习缓慢,需要特殊教育。同胞的不平衡通过3母亲:1的种族隔离,最终结果是缺失4p16.3pter和22q11.2pter。缺失4p与Wolf-Hirschhorn综合征(WHS)相关; 22q11.2微缺失与包括DiGeorge综合征在内的多种重叠表型相关。 (DGS),腔室面综合征(VCFS),圆锥形面部面部异常以及偶发性或家族性心脏缺陷;进行了荧光原位杂交(FISH);粘粒探针D4S96(对应于4p16.3)和D22S75(对应于22q11)。在母亲中,易位断裂点位于4号染色体上的D4S96附近,而22号染色体上的末端D22S75附近。 D4S96和D22S75探针位点。 Sib 1是一个2 1/2岁的女孩,患有多种先天性异常和严重的发育迟缓。颅面特征通常是WHS。还观察到胸腺低钙血症的发育不全和婴儿早期发作,这是DGS的临床特征。双胞胎A是一对同卵双胞胎中的一个。他患有多种先天性异常,出生后不久就死亡。



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