首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Medical Entomology >Identification of Bloodmeal Sources and Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Triatomine Bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) From Residential Settings in Texas the United States

Identification of Bloodmeal Sources and Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Triatomine Bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) From Residential Settings in Texas the United States

机译:从美国得克萨斯州居民区中的三atomine bug(Hemiptera:Reduviidae)中的血粉来源和克氏锥虫感染的鉴定。



The host–vector–parasite interactions in Chagas disease peridomestic transmission cycles in the United States are not yet well understood. Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) infection prevalence and bloodmeal sources were determined for adult and immature triatomine (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) specimens collected from residential settings in central Texas. Sequenced cytochrome b DNA segments obtained from triatomine digestive tract identified nine vertebrate hosts and one invertebrate host in four triatomine species (Triatoma gerstaeckeri, Triatoma indictiva, Triatoma protracta, and Triatoma sanguisuga). The broad range of wild and domestic host species detected in triatomine specimens collected from residential sites indicates high host diversity and potential movement between the sylvatic and peridomestic settings. Domestic dogs appear to be key in the maintenance of the peridomestic transmission cycle as both a blood host for the triatomine vectors and a potential reservoir for the parasite. The high rate of T. cruzi infection among triatomine specimens that were collected from inside houses, outside houses, and dog kennels (69, 81, and 82%, respectively) suggests a current risk for Chagas disease vector-borne transmission for humans and domestic animals in residential settings in Texas because of overlap with the sylvatic cycle.
机译:在美国,美洲锥虫病蠕动性传播周期中的宿主-载体-寄生虫相互作用尚不清楚。确定了从得克萨斯州中部居民区收集的成人和未成熟的三角藻素(半翅目:Reduviidae)标本的克鲁斯锥虫(Kinetoplastida:Trypanosomatidae)感染的流行率和血粉来源。从三atomine消化道获得的测序的细胞色素b DNA片段鉴定了四种三atomine物种(Triatoma gerstaeckeri,Triatoma indictiva,Triatoma protracta和Triatoma sanguisuga)中的九个脊椎动物宿主和一个无脊椎动物宿主。在从居民点收集的三松碱标本中检测到的野生和家庭寄主物种范围很广,表明寄主多样性高,并且在sylvatic和蠕虫病之间有潜在的移动。家犬似乎是维持腹膜内传播周期的关键,因为它们既是三氢精胺载体的血液宿主,又是寄生虫的潜在宿主。从房屋内部,房屋外部和狗窝收集的三氟精氨酸标本中克鲁氏杆菌的感染率很高(分别为69%,81%和82%),这表明目前存在南美锥虫病病媒传播的人类和家庭风险得克萨斯州居住环境中的动物,因为它们与森林周期重叠。



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