
Postdischarge Cause-of-Death Analysis of Combat-Related Burn Patients




Combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in up to 8.8% of combat-related casualties suffering burns. From World War I through Desert Storm, burns have been associated with approximately 4% of the combat-related deaths. Experiencing a blast injury and exposure to killing and death while deployed has been shown to increase suicide risk. Although several studies of military populations have investigated risk factors for death among burn patients during the acute phase, no studies have reported mortality rates, cause-of-death, or the prevalence of suicide after hospital discharge. This study examined the case fatality rate, causes of death, and the prevalence of suicide among 830 combat burn patients discharged from the sole burn center in the U.S. Department of Defense, between March 7, 2003 and March 6, 2013. Cause-of-death was determined through the Armed Forces Medical Examiner’s Office and the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s National Death Index. A total of 11 deaths occurred among the 830 burn survivors, for an overall case fatality rate of 1.3%. Of the 11 who died, five deaths were related to accidental poisoning by exposure to drugs; three were related to operations of war (two after returning to the war zone), and the remaining three died from other accidental causes (one explosion and two vehicle crashes). There was no indication of suicide or suspicion of suicide as a cause-of-death for the former patients included in this study, suggesting that combat burn injury did not appear to increase the risk of death by suicide in our study population. Further research is needed to understand the factors that contribute to the apparent resilience of combat burn survivors.
机译:在伊拉克和阿富汗的战斗行动导致多达8.8%的与战斗有关的人员伤亡。从第一次世界大战到沙漠风暴,大约有4%的与战斗有关的死亡导致了烧伤。爆炸后遭受爆炸伤害并暴露于杀戮和死亡之中已显示会增加自杀风险。尽管有几项军事人群的研究调查了烧伤患者急性期死亡的危险因素,但尚无研究报告死亡率,死亡原因或出院后自杀的发生率。这项研究调查了2003年3月7日至2013年3月6日期间从美国国防部唯一烧伤中心出院的830名战斗烧伤患者的病死率,死亡原因和自杀率。死亡由武装部队医学检查官办公室和国防部长的国家死亡指数办公室确定。 830名烧伤幸存者中共有11人死亡,病死率为1.3%。在死亡的11人中,有5人的死亡与药物接触引起的意外中毒有关。其中三人与战争有关(两人返回战区),其余三人死于其他意外原因(一场爆炸和两起车祸)。没有迹象表明自杀或怀疑自杀是本研究中以前患者的死亡原因,这表明在我们的研究人群中,对抗烧伤似乎没有增加自杀死亡的风险。需要进一步的研究来了解导致战斗烧伤幸存者具有明显弹性的因素。



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