首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Epidemiology >Status of epidemiology in the WHO South-East Asia region: burden of disease determinants of health and epidemiological research workforce and training capacity

Status of epidemiology in the WHO South-East Asia region: burden of disease determinants of health and epidemiological research workforce and training capacity




>Background The South-East Asia region (SEAR) accounts for one-quarter of the world's population, 40% of the global poor and ∼30% of the global disease burden, with a disproportionately large share of tuberculosis (35%), injuries (30%), maternal (33%) and <5-year-old mortality (30%). In this article, we describe the disease burden and status of epidemiological research and capacity in the SEAR to understand, analyse and develop capacity in response to the diverse burdens of diseases in the region.>Methods Data on morbidity, mortality, risk factors, social determinants, research capacity, health education, workforce and systems in the SEAR were obtained using global data on burden of disease, peer-reviewed journals, World Health Organization (WHO) technical and advisory reports, and where available, validated country reports and key informants from the region.>Results SEAR countries are afflicted with a triple burden of disease—infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and injuries. Of the seven WHO regions, SEAR countries account for the highest proportion of global mortality (26%) and due to relatively younger ages at death, the second highest percentage of total years of life lost (30%). The SEAR exceeds the global average annual mortality rate for all three broad cause groupings—communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (334 vs 230 per 100 000); non-communicable diseases (676 vs 573 per 100 000); and injuries (101 vs 78 per 100 000). Poverty, education and other social determinants of health are strongly linked to inequities in health among SEAR countries and within socio-economic subgroups. India, Thailand and Bangladesh produce two-thirds of epidemiology publications in the region. Significant efforts to increase health workforce capacity, research and training have been undertaken in the region, yet considerable heterogeneity in resources and capacity remains.>Conclusions Health systems, statistics and surveillance programmes must respond to the demographic, economic and epidemiological transitions that define the current disease burden and risk profile of SEAR populations. Inequities in health must be critically analysed, documented and addressed through multi-sectoral approaches. There is a critical need to improve public health intelligence by building epidemiological capacity in the region.
机译:>背景东南亚地区(SEAR)占世界人口的四分之一,占全球贫困人口的40%,占全球疾病负担的30%,其中结核病所占比例不成比例(35%),伤害(30%),孕产妇(33%)和<5岁以下儿童死亡率(30%)。在本文中,我们描述了疾病负担和流行病学研究的现状以及SEAR在了解,分析和发展应对该地区各种疾病负担的能力方面的能力。>方法使用有关疾病负担的全球数据,同行评审的期刊,世界卫生组织(WHO)的技术和咨询报告来获得SEAR中的死亡率,危险因素,社会决定因素,研究能力,健康教育,劳动力和系统,并在可用的情况下, >结果 SEAR国家遭受着三重疾病负担-传染病,非传染病和伤害。在世卫组织的七个区域中,SEAR国家占全球死亡率的最高比例(26%),并且由于相对较低的死亡年龄,其在总寿命中所占的百分比第二高(30%)。 SEAR超过了所有三个广泛原因类别的全球平均年死亡率,这三个类别分别是传染病,孕产妇,围产期和营养状况(334 vs 230/100 000);非传染性疾病(676 vs 573/100 000);和伤害(每100 000中101与78)。贫困,教育和其他健康的社会决定因素与SEAR国家之间以及社会经济子类别中的健康不平等密切相关。印度,泰国和孟加拉国生产该地区三分之二的流行病学出版物。在该地区,为提高卫生人力的能力,研究和培训做出了巨大努力,但资源和能力仍然存在很大的异质性。>结论卫生系统,统计数据和监测计划必须对人口,经济和社会发展做出回应定义SEAR人群当前疾病负担和风险状况的流行病学转变。必须通过多部门方法严格分析,记录和解决健康不平等问题。迫切需要通过建立该区域的流行病学能力来提高公共卫生情报。



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