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Nonhuman Primate Models of Depression: Effects of Early Experience and Stress




Depression causes significant morbidity in the human population. The Diathesis-Stress/Two-Hit model of depression hypothesizes that stress interacts with underlying (probably genetic) predispositions to produce a central nervous system that is primed to express psychopathology when confronted with stressful experiences later in life. Nonhuman primate (NHP) studies have been extensively utilized to test this model. NHPs are especially useful for studying effects of early experience, because many aspects of NHP infancy are similar to humans, whereas development occurs at an accelerated rate and therefore allows for more rapid assessment of experimental variables. In addition, the ability to manipulate putative risk factors, including introducing experimental stress during development, allows inference of causality not possible with human studies. This manuscript reviews experimental paradigms that have been utilized to model early adverse experience in NHPs, including peer-rearing, maternal separation, and variable foraging. It also provides examples of how this model has been used to investigate the effects of early experience on later neurobiology, physiology, and behavior associated with depression. We conclude that the NHP offers an excellent model to research mechanisms contributing to the Diathesis-Stress/Two-Hit model of depression.
机译:抑郁症会导致人口大量发病。抑郁症的“ Diathesis-Stress / Two-Hit”模型假设压力与潜在的(可能是遗传的)易感性相互作用,产生中枢神经系统,当面对以后的压力经历时,该中枢神经系统可以表达心理病理学。非人类灵长类动物(NHP)研究已被广泛用于测试该模型。 NHP对于研究早期经验的影响特别有用,因为NHP婴儿期的许多方面都与人类相似,而发育以加速的速度发生,因此可以更快速地评估实验变量。此外,操纵推定的危险因素的能力,包括在发育过程中引入实验压力,可以推断人类研究不可能的因果关系。这份手稿回顾了已用于模拟NHP早期不良经历的实验范例,包括同伴养育,母体分离和可变觅食。它还提供了该模型如何用于调查早期经验对以后的神经生物学,生理学和与抑郁症相关的行为的影响的示例。我们得出的结论是,NHP为研究有助于抑郁症的Diathesis-Stress / Two-Hit模型的机制提供了出色的模型。



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