首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Nematology >Intercropping Cover Crops with Pineapple for the Management of Rotylenchulus reniformis

Intercropping Cover Crops with Pineapple for the Management of Rotylenchulus reniformis




Effect of cover crops intercropped with pineapple (Ananas comosus) on Rotylenchulus reniformis population densities and activity of nematode-trapping fungi (NTF) were evaluated in two cycles of cover crop and pineapple. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), rapeseed (Brassica napus), African marigold (Tagetes erecta), or weeds were intercropped with pineapples. Beds planted with sunn hemp or rapeseed had lower population densities of R. reniformis than African marigold, weeds, or pineapple plots during cover crop growth, and the subsequent pineapple-growing periods. Rapeseed was a good host to Meloidogyne javanica and resulted in high population densities of M. javanica in the subsequent pineapple crop. Fireweed (Erigeron canadensis) occurred commonly and was a good host to R. reniformis. Bacterivorous nematode population densities increased (P ≤ 0.05) most in sunn hemp, especially early after planting. Nematode-trapping fungi required a long period to develop measurable population densities. Population densities of NTF were higher in cover crops than weeds or pineapples during the first crop cycle (P < 0.05). Although pineapple produced heavier fruits following sunn hemp than in the other treatments (P < 0.05), commercial yields were not different among rapeseed, weed, and sunn hemp treatments.
机译:在覆盖作物和菠萝两个周期中,评估了套种菠萝间作的农作物对黑腹轮虫种群密度和线虫诱捕真菌(NTF)活性的影响。麻(Crotalaria juncea),油菜籽(Brassica napus),非洲万寿菊(Tagetes erecta)或杂草与菠萝间作。在覆盖作物生长以及随后的菠萝生长时期,种植了麻麻或油菜籽的床比非洲万寿菊,杂草或菠萝地块种植的肾形芽孢杆菌的密度更低。油菜籽是爪哇根结线虫的良好寄主,并导致随后的菠萝作物中爪哇兰的高种群密度。杂草丛生(Erigeron canadensis)常见,并且是雷氏梭菌的良好寄主。在阳光麻中,细菌性线虫的种群密度增加最多(P≤0.05),尤其是在种植后的早期。捕获线虫的真菌需要很长时间才能形成可测量的种群密度。在第一个作物周期中,被覆作物的NTF种群密度高于杂草或菠萝(P <0.05)。尽管菠萝在麻麻后比其他处理产生的果实重(P <0.05),但油菜籽,杂草和麻麻处理的商业产量没有差异。



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